Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Hyrum is Called to Serve

Hyrum was told a week ago, when he had his interview with our Stake President to finish his mission application, that it would be here on Tuesday. And that was today! It's nice that it just comes over email now, so there was no having to wait and watch and be disappointed several days in a row for that snail mail white envelope to arrive like we did with Joseph. Sure, there is some fun in that tradition, but this was great. Hyrum got an email early this morning saying his assignment was ready. He had already set up a zoom time for this evening and we made sure family and friends who might be interested were able to join in. We were excited and ready when 7:30 rolled around. Here is the man of the hour!

7:30 Utah time, 9:30 for Hyrum and Joseph out in Philly, and Mel in Michigan, who had permission to join. Ethan also had permission, 8:30 for him. And this was the 3rd day in a row that we were able to talk to them! Sunday for Mother's day, yesterday for p-day, and then again today for Hyrum's call. What a new missionary experience these young people are having from what it used to be! But hey, I'm all for new and better traditions! I prefer this much better over the twice a year phone calls, as special and memorable as those were. Wes making sure we're all set up.

So we waited a few minutes to make sure people were on. There were two screen's full of friends, that's a pretty good showing. 
Here is his virtual opening from our end. He was killing us a bit with the play by play, it was funny. At 3:42 he gets to the exciting part:

"You are assigned to labor in the California San Diego Mission and will prepare to preach the gospel in the English language." He reports to the Provo Missionary Training Center on September 8th and will go to San Diego on September 28th! He'll be the first of our missionaries to go to the Provo MTC! Lucky man! We'll keep our fingers crossed that it will be open by then and he won't have to do Home MTC, (not that there's anything wrong with Home MTC!)

I asked for Joseph to send me a picture of Hyrum with his call, pointing at a map, but they don't have a map in their apartment. And Hyrum didn't print the call (they might not have a printer either) so this is the best we got. I'll take it.
So that is great! We are so excited for him! Congratulations Hyrum!! 

A few more pictures from today - the boys were excited looking through an old scrapbook today, one that I got out Sunday on Mother's day. Who do you see, Peter?
"PihMan!" aka Spiderman, wow! There was a good Spiderman and a pudgy Flash (no offense to him) next to a little Joseph and Mel back when we went to Universal Studios in 2003. I'm going to have to figure out how to digitize my scrapbooks someday. 
Sophi and Natalie were saying "How come you don't have scrapbooks for us!?!?" and I was like "Your life has been thoroughly documented since birth on the blog. That is your scrapbook." Natalie and Peter and Daniel were playing "Huggy huggy" where they stand together and hug and sway and say "huggy huggy!"
I'll post all 3 of the pictures, cause they looked so cute.
My pretty kids
Where's Peter's cute face? He was too busy hugging. He has hug super powers. 
And it looked like there was fire in the clouds this morning. I am trying to get up and go walking but I'm not there yet, but I was glad to get a picture from the laundry room window. It was beautiful, and it a sign that the Lord was speaking to us today. I believe with all my heart that Hyrum's call is from the Lord and that he will do a great work in San Diego. It was a good day

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