Monday, May 10, 2021

Pool, Nap, & Wagon

I took the boys to the indoor pool today. 
They love the splash zone slide!
We got there at 11 and changed (next time I think we'll get dressed at home) and had fun for an hour.
We have a glitch every time. The glitch this time was that I didn't have my swimming suit! I washed it after our last outing and didn't put it back! Luckily I had my swim skirt, so I wore my skirt with my shirt. Hope that wasn't against any "no street clothes" rules. Peter and I ready to go down the slide!
Peter will go down the little slide on his own but I have to go with him on the big twisty slide.
Daniel ready to push Owen down. 
Get outta here!
They went down over and over again. We basically had the place to ourselves today.
They sure like the pool!
We went home for Owen to go to school and he barely made it to the bus. I pulled up behind it at the stop and he hurried on, phew! Then Daniel and Peter watched Spiderman and his Amazing Friends, which is Peter's new favorite show, while I tried to practice violin. It's the 1981 version, and it's on Disney channel. 
Peter to a nap while Daniel watched it. 
I thought they looked pretty adorable.
So Peter LOVES Spiderman lately. He says "I Pi-ya-MAN!" After the kids got home from school, he was working soo hard to move this wagon. I took this picture from the kitchen.
He pulled it up the ramp (we had the ramp up for Corey's mom to get into the house yesterday) so Peter brought the wagon into the house, which was pretty adorable, and then Corey helped him take it outside in the front yard. 
This poor wagon has seen better days, but we'll keep it a bit longer for Peter to use, cause it's adorable to see him pull it around. Crossing the street...
Around the corner...
Trying to turn it around on the grass is a bit harder.
We had the usual Monday violin lessons today and also talked with Mel and Ethan too, but since we also talked with them yesterday we didn't talk as much today. AND we are going to talk to them again tomorrow because they are going to call/get on zoom when Hyrum opens his mission call, which should be arriving via email tomorrow! Exciting!

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