Wednesday, May 5, 2021

On Our Laps

My little snuggle bug asleep on my lap this morning. 

I don't get a darn thing done sometimes, but I sure love him.
I made myself sneak away so I could take carpool - Bye sweet Peter. 
Doing Natalie's hair this morning. 
While she took selfies:
I'm impressed that I can still do a braid on her short hair. Anyone know any secrets to grow hair longer? She would like longer hair. Peter was still asleep after I got Sophi and Natalie got off to school. 
A highlight of today was that Wes, Abi and Lily went to the temple to do baptisms! Yay! Things are slowly opening back up!
And other than that it was a good day. It was nice weather outside, which makes it kinda sad that I let the boys watched movies. ODP watched Peter Pan 2, then O went to school and D went to play with his friend Oliver, and P watched Ice Age while I blogged about our crazy day on Saturday (cause I'm  eternally behind on the blog). Natalie and Sophi went to Activity Days and learned to play Pickleball, so that could be fun if we get into that. After the temple, Lily found out that another young woman broke her hip or something playing football at school and is going to need surgery, and her birthday is tomorrow, so L wanted us to take her to the store so she could buy a gift for her, but we wanted her to practice her music first, but she refused, so it became a battle of wills, and she said "Fine, I'll just bike to Walmart..." she said as he left, but that is way too far for her to go, plus I don't think she knows the way, but she tried to leave but Corey followed her in the car and then she came back cause she just wanted Corey to leave her alone. So maybe we should have been more supportive of her desire to do something nice for her friend, but I don't know why she couldn't/wouldn't practice first! These kids... They had made up by evening time... Everyone on Corey's lap - he had more kids on him that I did on me this morning. I think I'd suffocate if I was under that pile of kids.
Wait, add one more kid - Lily wants to see...
They were watching a Jurassic Park clip I think - 
I like Peter there with the soccer ball. 
I'd say that is an accurate representation of what our life with kids looks like.

Hyrum still hasn't made a sale, so I'm still fasting for him. Although today I did wat from 3-5 and then started a fast again. He texted around 5 I should just go ahead and eat... "I don't want you to starve because I'm failing..." I told him that I already had eaten, but that I was fasting again... but shoot, maybe if I had tried a little harder he wouldn't have failed today. Even when they're not here at home on our laps any more, they're still in our hearts. We are praying for you Hyrum! Hang in there buddy. 

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