Thursday, May 6, 2021

Kidopolis Theater

Well miracle of miracles, guess what! Peter slept through the night last night!! I woke up and even went on a 40 minute bike ride. I tested how long it might take me to bike to the Rec Center. I think it will be about 20 minutes there and 40 minutes back. Not bad. I was thinking I could bike there as a warm up, then workout and lift weights, and then have the cool down on the way home. BUT since the way home would be mostly uphill, it might make for a rough "cool down" so we'll see if I ever try it. 

My friend and I took our kids to Thanksgiving Point again today. Last week we spent most of our time on the ground level in the jungle area. Today we were in Kidopolis and they spent most of their time in the theater. They had this cute little backstage area with mirrors and clothes to change into - 

It was so fun and they were so cute in the little costumes!

Like I loved imaging having a theater in our basement someday, mostly I was thinking when I am a grandma and having a place for our grandkids to come and play and act. 

We could make different costumes and have different curtains and sets - 

We could have the kids learn about different classic plays! We could act out the nativity at Christmas. We could learn songs together and plan what show to do and do a show each year! The kids could make programs and tickets and invitations to friends or aunts and uncles... Wouldn't that be fun! And when our family is not using it, we could let neighborhood kids do performances if they wanted.

Or if that's a bit beyond our ability (probably) we can just act out movies! My kids already love doing that! Rapunzel and Lion King - any Disney movie... that could be so fun!

Here at Kidopolis they liked the pirate backdrop and the circus song the most.

Of course, common sense (Corey) says "why should we make a whole set when we can just go there and use that one." Yeah, that makes sense, but if it was OURS we could make costumes and backdrops that they don't have here... They only have 3 here. We could do an annual Wride performance. It was super fun to imagine, but maybe it's not practical. I guess it's the same as Corey wanting to make a rope course in our backyard, but I'm thinking "we can't make one better than the one they have here... so let's just come here..." Ok, makes sense... but I'm still going to imagine. Here's a little video of their acting - 

Back at home, what happened today... I finished blogging March, so that's good. I have misplaced my air pods so that is sad, I hope they are not lost. I dropped Corey and Abi off so they could take a quick ride down the canyon. 
As I was coming back home, I stopped by to take pictures of the flowering trees down the street - the PINK!! 
SO BEAUTIFUL! And the white flowers - 
I haven't made it out on morning walks, but I'm glad I was able to stop the car to get a photo of their loveliness. Beautiful beautiful. More pictures of the blossoms on my glorious earth blog of photos from today and from years past. Lovely!

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