Saturday, May 8, 2021

Trailing 6 Kids and Stitches Out

I spent a good chunk of my day with 6 kids in tow. First we went to soccer. Sophi and Natalie had their games at the same park and within 15 minutes of each other, so that was convenient. There is a good park there, so I let Natalie, Owen, Daniel, and Peter tag along. 6 kids in the car, here we go! 
When we first got there, I lost Natalie and Owen - I thought they had gone to the park. I was slow cause I was getting Peter out of the car, and then I first went to go see what fields the girls were playing on. Then I went to the park to find the other kids, and I saw Daniel, but no Natalie or Owen. So I kinda panicked and thought I should have brought an older kid to help me cause I was outnumbered, and it's harder when there are so many other people, too, like at soccer games. I looked around, it was just a few minutes until I saw them standing on a sidewalk together, looking around like they were lost. I called to them and they came to the park. Natalie was a little shook up, she doesn't like being lost or feeling forgotten (see pic 2). Sorry about that sweetie! Then they played. I took Peter and told NOD that I was going to go watch the games for a minute and I would be back. Sophi was at half time, score 0-0. Lily's team was getting whooped. Back to check on kids at the park. Counting kids - 1, 2, 3, 4. Natalie said she wanted to watch Peter, so I left him with her. They played on the slide and she pushed a group of little kids on this small circle coaster - 
She is a good big sister.
Looking around, time to count kids again - 
1, 2, 3... Where's Daniel? I looked around for him for a minute and then saw that he had joined a pack of kids playing tag on the grass. They moved to climb on a trailer.
Daniel's read headband protecting made him a little easier to spot, so that was helpful. Natalie playing with Peter on the swing. 
This little double swing is a brilliant invention!! 
Ok, I'll be back! I went to the last few minutes of each game. Sophi's game ended 0-0. Then she joined the kids at the park. Sophi swinging with Peter.
I came back with Lily. We think the score was 7-0, but they kinda lost track.  
Then we stayed and played at the park more. Lily's turn on the swing with Peter
Time to sing while we swing - Peter took the cookie from the cookie jar!
Phew! So the kids eventually decided to come back home, yay. Back at home, it was time to take out Daniel's stitches. I told him that he could go see Dr. Schmidt like we did last time, who is our neighbor and pediatrician down the street, or I could do it. Either way buddy, it's your choice. I showed him my credentials by sharing this post of when I took out Sophi's stitches. He was sold and said he wanted me to do it. I invited him to my examination room (aka the kids bathroom)
He watched Disney Plus while I did my careful work... I was nice and slow and didn't hurt him at all. All 7 out!!
And then when he had his guard down, I slapped a sticky bandaid on his head. He doesn't like them cause they hurt when you take them off, but if he were to protest by taking it off, it would hurt, so he was in a tough situation and decided to leave it on.
After that was done, I was in my room with Corey and Abi and we were all working on our respective computers... Abi doing science, Corey working, I was looking for pinnies to maybe have on hand for our future Waterford soccer games. Then Sophi came in... "Mom, when are you taking Daniel's stitches out?" I just did! "How do you take stitches out?" she asked. Corey chimed in "You go to medical school... and then take classes and get instructed..." HA! So says the man who took of Abi's CAST!! Stitches are easy, but I would have taken Daniel in if it was to get a cast off! (well, maybe that's not true...) Anyway, I thought that was a funny comment. 

Other things to do today - Costco run. I wanted to go, Corey did too, he also wanted to help Abi with homework and flute. They decided to go on a bike ride before they got to work, so I loaded my errands helpers into the car, then took Corey and Abi up the canyon before we headed to the Murray Costco. I don't love shopping with  kids, but they did pretty good. 
We took Corey's car with the bike rack, since I was dropping him off first, so we didn't have as much trunk room for food, which helped me not over purchase. Back at home for dinner. We went back and forth on whether or not we should go swimming. At 7:00 we decided to go. It closed at 8, but the older kids still got a good 45 minutes in. The little boys got less time, since I forgot D's swimsuit so he had to wear his shorts and was mad about it and protesting in the locker room. But then he decided it was ok and we had fun. Then we went to play racquetball after the pool closed.
6 kids in a court with 6 racquets swinging and 6 balls flying every direction. It can be a little dangerous!
Group picture! 
That was a busy day for me. I want to sleep in tomorrow, so I curled my hair tonight. Abi and Wes took pictures of themselves with my phone while my hands were occupied -
Instagram worthy for sure!
It's nice when these two are getting along.
Well that was my busy day. I had the little kids and felt like I gave Corey a break. He was still busy with work and helping the big kids, but it shouldn't have been as crazy for him as my day was for me. Well, teenagers are a different kind of crazy.
I plan on taking my break tomorrow for Mother's day. I've been doing a lot lately, but it's good. He does a lot too. Yesterday he came and rescued me when my car battery died (cause I left it on to have the AC after Sophi's soccer practice was over, but then they kept playing at the park, and then the door wouldn't open and the car wouldn't start, doh)
Thanks for saving me sweetheart. We make a good team. 

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