Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day. Church was lovely. We only went for sacrament meeting and then had a zoom lesson for Relief Society, but this is the last week of that, because next week we go back to two hours! And the kids get to go to Primary again! And Peter will get to go to Nursery for the first time! They are all excited, it should be fun.

Lily and Sophi bought flowers for me yesterday at Costco. I pretended that I didn't notice and they were happy to surprise me with them this morning. 

They also gave me the cards that they had made at home and at school. Cute kids - 
A card from Owen.
A painting that Sophi made at school. I like it!
Natalie made this one
...and a card.

Ethan and Mel were able to talk to us today because it was Mother's Day. They are fun

Ethan asked me to send him some pictures of him and me so that he could be cool like the other missionaries and do a "I love my mom" facebook post. I had a fun time looking through old scrapbooks. This is a true quote -
Maybe that's why I take so many pictures of the kids sleeping... cause that's when I have a quiet moment to feel the joy of motherhood. That pic above is what their room looked like when we lived in student housing at BYU. I took a lot of pictures of pictures in the scrapbook that I think I'll use for Corey on Father's Day, like this adorable one of him asleep with Lily.

Today after church, we got the house ready for guests. Corey's family was coming over at 4. Corey cleaned up in the backyard a bit and the kitchen, I helped inside too and I put in lasagna at 2, and then gave Abi instructions to cook spaghetti, and I gave S and N instructions to cut up meatballs, and then I left a little bit before 3 to go to visit my parents with two sisters that live in the valley. I took a few pictures of their pretty flowers. We had fun talking with my parents. My siblings who live out of state joined in over zoom. 

I was late getting back, which I kinda thought would probably happen. I left at 4:15 and continued in the conversation via the zoom call. I got home a little late at 4:30 for dinner here. They waited for me and now we were ready to eat.

And that was nice. It was a nice Mother's Day. Corey went to bed early at 8:00 and I don't feel like cleaning up tonight, so the kitchen is a mess, but I'll hit it tomorrow.

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