Saturday, June 26, 2021

Biking, Wedding and Zions

I got up nice and early today and when you get up early, you get to see the SUNRISE!!! Beautiful! 

I got up because Corey, Wes, Joseph and I had plans to go on a morning bike ride at Corner Canyon, with plans to be back home in time for Joseph to be able to get ready for Talmage's wedding. 
It all went according to plan. I dropped them off at Potato Hill, then I drove back to the cycle park with the car and parked it there. Then I got down my bike and headed up the Corner Canyon Access Trail, hoping to meet up with them somewhere. I mostly wanted to get in a workout anyway, so it was great, and I saw them coming down when I was looking at the info kiosk on the Corner Canyon Access Trail 
and Bonneville Shoreline Trail intersection. They said it was a lot of fun, and then we headed back to the car. I took a Rush access and got on the Limelight trail and that was a lot of fun. I'm excited to come back here later and explore more!

The reception tonight was very nice. Joseph and his friends all decorated Talmage and Cami's car - Joseph on the left with a blue balloon, Emily in the pink next to him. 

We were at the reception for a while visiting with Joseph's friend Scotty and his wife Xani who are expecting their first child, exciting! It was fun to talk to them and we hope to visit with them again. Abi came with us to the reception, and then we were a little late taking her to a friend's house. She needed to catch up with her friends since she was gone all week at camp, so Corey took her over and waited for her at his parent's house, I took Wes to a birthday party for a friend out in West Valley, which he left shortly after arriving because it wasn't a very spirit inviting activity, and he wants to pass the sacrament tomorrow. He called Corey to pick him up, even though I had just left and was probably closer than Corey, but I guess sometimes boys like to share things with their dad. that's ok. Here are some pictures of camp this past week for Abi and Lily.

They had a good sized group of girls.
They did a bit of rappelling
They said it was really fun.
But Abi almost touched a dead bird that was in this water. 
She said it smelled bad. So gross, but fun. Hard work and good recreation. Here are a few pics of Lily -

Feeling more safe at the bottom - 

Lily on another descent:

They also did a bit of hiking to and from the places where they rappelled. 
Zions is a beautiful area!
Lily said she had a good birthday, but that it also didn't feel like a birthday. Good thing she has a few more days of birthday fun. My parents are in Texas today for Kimberly's baptism, so they'll be coming by Monday with their birthday wishes for Wes and Lily.
I'm glad Abi and Lily were able to have such a great experience at camp!

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