Friday, June 25, 2021

Wesley is 16!!

We've got another 16 year old in our family. It was a real "I'm 16" birthday because today Wes had his driver's test! 

He was pretty nervous. He got there to driver's ed class early enough that he was able to talk to his teacher and, when Wes saw that he was going to be with the "scary" instructor, he mentioned his fear and his teacher switched him to the "nice" instructor, and Wesley says it is because of that that he passed. He's had his permit for two weeks and he passed - not too shabby Wes! He couldn't miss more than 20 points to pass, and he got -18, phew! He was behind after high adventure (oh I still need to share those pictures...) but has been able to get all caught up on his course work, and get all his road and range drives in, and is doing pretty good staying on top of his other classes too (Fitness for Life and BYU math - he's on track from what he reports but I have not verified, so Wes we're taking your word on it!) I picked him up after class and then we went by the Northridge Learning Academy to pick up his Chemistry packet, then we went by Costco for some b-day ice cream. After we unloaded Costco groceries, we hurried to Smith's to get some Wesley's cake. He wanted a sushi cake again.

Make a wish!

His siblings were a little disappointed to not have cake but they were like "Fine... it's your birthday... we'll give it a try..." but Wes was a little protective and didn't want them to have the sushi, HE wanted it all! So I distracted them with some ice cream sandwiches and drumsticks. They all went outside for with their ice cream and Wes was able to enjoy the sushi in peace. (and I had some too, I think my favorite part is the ginger!) I got Wes a Big Joe chair last week as an early b-day present, but I didn't give him anything today. And we didn't put up the birthday banner and I haven't been doing the window decorations lately either... sorry if we were kinda lame. I think Corey's going to take him out tomorrow for stuff. Then the kids worked on their school books. 
Natalie and Daniel are two of my most diligent students. 
Natalie gives herself a sticker for each page she completes. Daniel is still a very careful color-er (4th pic). Corey's parents came by to give him gifts. I didn't get any pictures of him and his b-day presents, but I was going out to take some pictures when we got a surprise - Abi showed up! I thought they were getting back tomorrow! Yay! Lily was lagging behind and had sent a message with Abi to have Sophi come and help her. I said I'd go help. We found Lily.
Everyone is home! 
They didn't know that Lily would show up today and didn't have her b-day gifts, but I guess they had time cause Corey's parents went back home to get Lily's presents. 
I'll share pictures of their camp tomorrow. Welcome back home, girls!
The last thing that Corey and I did for fun today was go out to eat with Joseph and his girlfriend Emily. 
We went to the India House, cause there's never a wait and it has nice ambiance. And because it is delicious, so we enjoyed a very nice visit as we ate good food. Joseph is in town because Talmage is getting married tomorrow, and Emily will be spending the day with Joseph as they attend the sealing and celebration. It's been nice to have him here for a few days! He will be going up to Bear Lake on Tuesday with Emily and her family and spending a few days up there for the 4th of July weekend (their relationship might be getting serious!) So that will be fun for him! 

One last thing that I almost forgot to mention - today we found out that Ethan is finally going to be going to the Dominican Republic! He is going to go on July 8th. We are excited to talk with him on Monday about it. He had known for a few weeks that his high school BFF and current companion, Elder Pugsley/Truman, is leaving for his original assignment to Mexico on July 6th, so yeah, we're happy for him that he'll be able to go and that he'll almost have a year there! It is good news and we are grateful.

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