Friday, June 18, 2021

Cinderella Performance

Tonight at 6:00 Natalie had her call time check in before her Cinderella performance today. Wesley drove us down there and even drove on the freeway and we didn't die, so good job Wes! He did great. It was a hot day. When we were getting out of the car at the SLCC Grand Theater, I saw that Natalie hadn't worn her shoes, but I didn't want her ballet slippers to get dirty on the asphalt, so Lily and Sophi carried her for me. 

We waited a bit for them to open the theater. Owen had on two left foot flip flops. 

That does not look comfortable to wear. But they do match, so good job buddy.

Natalie was one of the bibbidi bobbidi boo fairies. Corey took this little video of her dance. She is on the very far right of the screen at :08 if you want to keep your eye on her from that point. 

This wasn't her whole dance. She was sometimes hidden by the black floor light or whatever that thing was in the front. Also after Corey stopped recording, they did this little part where they all had partners except for Natalie, but that didn't stop her! She danced so well and so convincingly with her invisible friend, it was so cute and I was very impressed! Natalie is a great dancer. It was a very well done performance and I was so impressed with the dancers and with whoever manages all of the logistics involved. When I dropped Natalie off, they gave me a wrist band that I needed to have on when I picked her up. After the show was over, I hurried as fast as I could to get in line, but there were a lot of dancers, so it was a long line and we had a bit of waiting until we could see her. 

Finally we had our little fairy! This had been a long day for her!

Some flowers for our dancer - 
There were a lot of little kids involved in the performance, I wonder how they did it? Natalie said with a bit of sadness "We didn't get to watch any of the dances. We just had to play with toys." 
Her cousin Jordyn was a also in the performance. She was Gus Gus and a fairy and in a lot of other dances too. Natalie was like "How come she gets a lot of flowers and I just got one?" 
Ummm... it's based on how many times you dance! Jordyn is also performing in the two casts tomorrow too. Again, I'm seriously impressed with the whole production! Wow! A picture of our performers with Corey's parents - 

And with sisters and cousins - 

Grandpa joining the fun - 

We picked up some 10pm Little Ceasars pizza for dinner on the way home (and saw a lot of other dancer families there). It was a good and busy day. I had my fair share of driving, although not as much as yesterday. Wes had driver's ed this morning and had to do the driving range too, so I took him to Skyline, then back to get him from Skyline and take him to the driving range, back in 2 hours to pick him up from the driving range and take him back to Skyline for a driving session. As soon as we got there, he realized he had left his keys in the car at the driving range at Cottonwood High School, darn it Wes! Slight flash back to when forgot his folder for his permit appointment this past Monday... sooo...  I turned around and drove straight back to Cottonwood High for the keys then back to Skyline to give them to him. Back at Skyline I sat there and waited for 15 minutes, then 30, then an hour. I was thinking he'd come back and get his driver's permit, but he finally texted me saying that he just drove anyway and didn't tell his instructor. So, then he was almost done (had another 30 minutes) so there was no point in driving home now, so I went to the grocery store for a few things and then back to Skyline. Once he was back, I did point out to him that he had wasted a good 90+ minutes of my day by forgetting his keys, which is fine, it happens, I get it, but just pointing it out that it would be great to not forget things and if you do, to let me know your plan if I don't need to wait for you. Luckily Abi was home so the kids were in capable hands. I didn't bring a book to read though while I waited but I did listen to Follow Him, good stuff. I also was looking for Rise Up by Imagine Dragons cause it sounds like a song of striving and seeking to be better and thinking of our past and where we've come from (which is on my mind after our talk with Wes last night) - but as I was listening to the lyrics, right before the chorus it says "The darkness right in front of me, Oh, it's calling out, and I won't walk away..." And I was like "NO! I will walk away from the darkness!!" So unless it's talking like Indiana Jones stepping off the cliff in an act of faith, I was like No - There's no way I'm going to willfully walk into temptation and sin, and I'm going to teach my kids the same. I get it that sometimes our vision is dark and we can't see what is the right choice or path to take, but we don't need to walk in darkness and we definitely shouldn't willingly go into darkness and danger. Let's walk in the daylight. Moroni 7:15 "For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night." So anyway, after searching for the Imagine Dragons Rise Up song, I noticed an album by some group called Cain, the album was "Rise Up" that came up in the search results and I spent time listening to that too as I waited, and it went along with my Choose the Right thoughts around what W is working through - Rise Up (Lazarus): "Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us - out from the grave like Lazarus!" and Yes He Can

Sometimes I wonder, is He faithful? 
Does He see me in my trouble? 
Does He understand? 
Sometimes I question if He’s able 
Can He rescue, can He save me 
Again and again? 
But when I look back 

Did He move every mountain? 
Did He part every sea? 
Yes He did 
So yes He can 
Did He defeat the darkness? 
Did He deliver me? 
Yes He did 
So yes He can 
Yes He did 
So yes He can 

Sometimes those voices try to tell me 
I’m forgotten, and I’ve fallen 
Too far from His hands 
But I know what kind of God He is 
And I’m trusting in His promises 
I’m believing 
And I’m singing 
Yes He can

Did He move every mountain? 
Did He part every sea? 
Yes He did 
So yes He can 
Did He defeat the darkness? 
Did He deliver me? 
Yes He did 
So yes He can 
Yes He did 
So yes He can 

Cause I’ve seen too much 
Now I can’t deny 
He’s come through 
Every single time 
From the beginning until the end 
He did, He will, He can

Jesus knows, he understands, he is able to save us. Also the Come Follow me topic this week is a lot on Forgiveness from Doctrine and Covenants section 64. D&C 64:10 was the first scriptures I ever memorized when I was a kid in 5th grade when I felt that I had been wronged by not winning the Social Studies award for my grade, silly memory but I'm glad I learned that scripture! The Lord loves to forgive us, and all we have to do is ASK for him to forgive us, and for us to turn around and FORGIVE OTHERS. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that song too!

    I first found your blog by searching for "how to get boogers off the wall". I found your post, and it worked. Thank you so much!

    I think it's so awesome that you have 12 kids! I want to have 12 also.

    Thanks again, and keep the posts up-I love reading them!
