Saturday, June 19, 2021

Switching Rooms

This morning, I went to Costco for a few things for a Father's Day dinner with Corey's family tomorrow. Before I left, I made a list of things for the kids to do and I put it in a prominent space and easy for everyone to see so that expectations are clear:

The idea of a monthly chore is one that Nicole shared with me, and I think that is a very good idea. If it's their job for a whole month, they should really learn how to do it well. We've done week long chores before, but some of them tended to glide by until the week was over and chores changed, so month long should solve that. So there was a lot of stuff that we could have/should have done today, and we did a little bit. But mostly we spent our time switching rooms around. Wes is now with his 3 little brothers all in one room together, which was formerly the all girls room. Moving things out of the girls closet...

A lot of stuff got shoved at the top of the stairs as the transition between rooms was made. 

Lily and Sophi are now in what was Daniel and Peter's room. Lily on the bottom bunk, 

Peter playing with the train table before it gets moved out.

Abi and Natalie are now in what was Wesley and Owen's room, Abi in the middle bunk, Natalie on top. We are hoping all of Abi's clothes fit in the closet!

Moving day is pretty exciting! Joseph told me that out there in Philly, another person came and joined their apartment/hotel so they had to rearrange things to make room for him, and he had flashbacks to his childhood. One time rearranging in 2013, another time in 2016. It's fun to change things up though. Corey worked in the front room while we all cleaned upstairs. Wes still had English stuff to finish for him to pass that class, so it probably wasn't the best of timing on my part, sorry Corey. But Wes worked on it after we got his desk organized. In the front room, Corey worked and played the Spiderman and the Batman theme songs on the Bose for Peter and he liked dancing to that. Daniel didn't help much, he was practicing his cartwheel flips and was showing me some tricks in my bedroom. The kids worked hard. Their clothes are all done. I worked on the little boys stuff. Peter reading books as I worked - 

His little feet, so sweet!

So with my help, the boys room is all clean and nice now, the girls still have work to do. They all have their own desk now, which is good. But Natalie is having second thoughts about rooming with Abi. "Our room is a big mess, and all the stuff is Abi's!" Abi was always accusing her little sisters as being the messy ones, so this new arrangement might reveal who the guilty party really is!

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