Monday, June 21, 2021

Kingdom and Bike Ride

It was a regular summer day - I went on a bike ride this morning, and got back in time to take wes to drivers ed. I didn't clean today, didn't practice, but I did listen to Follow Him podcast as I drove. I listened to Episode Lynne Wilson, Part 1Part 2 which were both really good. I picked up Wes at noon.  After I was back home, the kids hadn't done their chores so they weren't playing with friends, but they were playing with each other here at home. The little boys were obviously dressed up for something....

I could tell Owen was the king, but the king had fallen asleep in his royal throne. Super cute.
Daniel was the prince, but he was acting more like a butler. 
He was talking very properly and told me "The king... is taking.... his royal nap."
These little boys were waiting the very best that they could for Sophi and Natalie to come, and they were being very patient. Yhe princesses were taking for-ev-er getting ready. 
Finally the girls came to join the game. Natalie says it was Sophi's fault - "She took forever making my crown"
Ok, wake up the king! Let's do this. 
According to Natalie "How we play 'Kingdom' is we dress up fancy and pretend we're in a castle. And that's it, basically." So they had fun doing that today. I helped make some crowns. It was still a normal Monday with missionary phone calls and violin. On our way to violin, I'm in the top left corner - the boys all fell asleep on the drive to our lesson. 
Peter was able to sleep through the transition from the car to the couch, so he slept the whole time. 
Daniel and Owen were very nice playing puzzles together. 
Right after violin, we went to Sophi's soccer practice which was at 5:30. It was hot, but we picked up pizza and went and ate it outside at the hot park (no trees around it at Midvalley Elementary where Sophi's practices are held). I've set an alarm for her practices to be sure to bring water next time. Sophia really liked soccer and so we're experimenting and she joined a club team this year. This is our first time doing club soccer, and I didn't know how expensive it would be, so I'm wrestling with my regret over that ($350+ for registration and fees and stuff, $200 for her uniforms... I haven't paid it yet, but I think I'll have too - it might be too late and would be bad manners to back out now.) So I was in a bit of a funk from that. After Corey got home he wanted to go on a bike ride, so I took them up to Snowbird. 
Peter was super cute. 
So cute that I feel like I need to share all three pictures of him to capture it all.
I tried to ride with Daniel again, but he still can't brake, so then we went back to the car. Daniel and I drove over to pick up SNOP and then Corey and Wes biked home. 
We were headed home but then I decided to stop at the Quarry trail to see the river.
The kids played for a little bit at the quarry rocks. 
Corey had a small wipe out near the bottom on some gravel. He got scratched up but no broken bones. He ripped one of his favorite shirts a little bit. So that's about it for today's report.

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