Sunday, June 20, 2021

New Tooth Fairy and Father's Day

Late last night Owen lost his bottom tooth! It's been wiggly for a while, and I coaxed him into letting me see how wiggly it was, and I got a good hold of it and it came right out. 

We stayed up late working a bit more on bedrooms, and Owen was just falling asleep around midnight. Natalie was still awake and asked if she could be the tooth fairy, I said sure. (They were worried that, given my track record, I'd fail as the tooth fairy, and since this was Owen's first tooth, they couldn't let that happen!) Natalie even gave him a dollar from her own money! Super sweet. She came in to report to me before she went to bed that she had taken care of it. This morning, I was in his room when Owen woke up, and he was so excited to find the money from the tooth fairy under his pillow! A dollar bill, a penny, and a post it note:

"Your a big boy - good job - tooth fairy"
Owen carried the money and note around with him all day. Daniel didn't want to wake up for church today, so I got him dressed as he continued to lay down and then we carried him straight to the car. When we got home, I let him have breakfast. Here's a funny video of him singing as he ate his cereal:

Church was nice. I enjoyed sacrament meeting. Peter does better each week in nursery. Peter taking a nap after church - 
Since it's Father's Day, Joseph texted asking for some scrapbook photos of him and Corey. Specifically he wanted this one of Corey holding Joseph's baby picture:
So funny story behind this one: "Sunday morning I took Joseph visiting teaching with me before Corey had woken up. I returned home to see a broken hearted Father not knowing what had become of his wife and child. This is how he looked when I walked in the door. It made me laugh so hard! Corey is so funny! Father and son are joyfully reunited!"
And after that picture I sent Joseph a lot of Corey sleeping with him as a baby - 
It is so lovely to sleep with a newborn.
Corey with baby Mel
And baby Ethan...
and Baby Hyrum...
Baby Wes...
We've had a lot of babies. There are lots of fun photos in the scrapbooks. I'll have to figure out how to digitized it all onto the blog someday. I took like 75 pictures today that I sent to Mel, Ethan, and Hyrum, so they could do a fb post if they wanted. 
I am glad that I have all these old scrapbook photos.
Corey is a wonderful father. 
Sure, it got more challenging as their numbers increased
but Corey was up for the challenge.
1 vs 5 kids - Sometimes they got the better of him!! 
Here are some pictures from when we were at BYU - Corey getting his MBA.
Doing school work and also doing dad duty.
I think he was the most fun dad at Wyview - having light saber battles with kids in the complex -
Dominoes at home on the kitchen floor.
Waiting with Hyrum on a family walk to Bridal Veil Falls.
So it was a fun glimpse back at memory lane. Today all the kids called to talk to Corey. We had a nice phone visit and they were able to say hi to Corey's family too, who all came over for dinner. I haven't called my dad yet but plan to before I go to bed tonight, doh! Father's day usually turns more into Husband's day in my life and I don't do much for my dad. I need to do better. I hope it's not too late to call.... if I have a minute away from the kids, which is a little hard when I'm trying to let Corey have a few minutes away from the kids. Maybe I'll write my dad a letter - it's always a nice surprise to get a real letter in the mail, right?

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