Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Moments of Summer

Today is Lily's happy birthday. She is 12 years old! She is celebrating today with her friends at camp, and we didn't celebrate here without her, but we did think of her. And we'll celebrate after she gets home this weekend. 

I've been doing good at going to the gym - I'm doing Body For Life style of exercise again, which is alternating weight lifting and cardio every day, and on my weight lifting days, alternating Upper and Lower body. I've mostly been going biking for my cardio. I might never be able to go on a walk or jog again, it's just so fun to bike. This morning I decided to test out distances - I rode to my parents house and was able to say Hi to my Mom!

After exercising, I come home to take Wes to Driver's Ed. When I got back, Corey and Wes were both up and enjoying day 2 of their scripture study together in the morning. Good job boys. I have been letting Wes drive us there to school, and he drives home too when I pick him up. I do NOT like being the one in the passenger seat while he learns, but Corey's done most of the kids, so I'm trying to grin and bear it. I just panic and feel like the kids aren't braking fast enough and I fear we're going to rear end someone. But Wes really hasn't given me any justified reasons to be nervous, I just am. I told him "It's not you, it's me, but knowing that doesn't mean that I like it any better." Maybe it's a control thing - I like to be in control, and I'm not when he's driving so I can't relax, so it's stretching me, but Wes is doing great. 

What else is going on... Owen is doing really well at working to check off his chore list. Today he even did his job by himself! Well, by himself with me, but not with Lily who is his partner. Actually, I'm thinking instead of having him switch chores around with Lily, maybe I'll just have him always be on the front room. He's a good kid. He made his bed, I helped him with his bedroom and clothes, he cleaned the front room and has been doing great doing school work. He's almost got all the words in his sight word book down, good job buddy. 

I filled up the pool today for Daniel, probably not the best thing to do during a drought. This was a Costco buy that I got when Daniel came with me once. I always end up buying things I don't want when kids come with me, but we have a fun memory with it, so it's ok, but once this is busted, I'm not buying it again, it wasn't a good buy. It was too cold, but with where I set it up on the cement atleast we should be able to leave it up for a few days and not worry about it killing the grass. Of course, if it is up for a few days, it gets lots of bugs and debris from the trees in it, which makes the kids grossed out and not wanting to use it. Daniel stood in it for a few minutes and then he was done. 
Wesley scored a pretty sweet find at the thrift store! Nice huh! It's all good, in the hood! We love Mr. Rogers! 

The kids have been playing Uno a lot (and there are uno cards aaalllll over the house). Yesterday Owen and Natalie were trying to play Uno, while Daniel and Peter run laps around them and right over their piles of cards.

I was impressed with their ability to focus and for playing for as long as they did.

I'm working on laundry, and we still have one rose - a pretty picture I took of it yesterday. Take time to smell the roses! But these ones aren't very fragrant. They used all their beauty points with their color.

Life is good! 

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