Thursday, June 24, 2021

Practice and Playing Hair

Peter didn't wake me up late night, which is always a nice surprise. I went to check on him after I got home from the gym, and saw that he had appeared to have woken up Wesley during the night. Wes let me know that Peter had been quite fussy and didn't want to go back to sleep on his bed, but Peter did agree to come up to Wesley's bed, where he proceeded to kick Wesley through out the rest of the night. You can see Wesley sitting in his chair below the loft bed. He did not get a restful night's sleep. 

Thanks for taking the hit for me Wes! 

A good thing about today was that I was able to schedule some appointments for myself at the temple! I'm going to initiatories next Friday morning, and I scheduled an endowment session for the 21st. In April 2020, the Living Prophet President Russell M. Nelson told us:

"When these temporary COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, please schedule regular time to worship and serve in the temple. Every minute of that time will bless you and your family in ways nothing else can. Take time to ponder what you hear and feel when you are there. Ask the Lord to teach you how to open the heavens to bless your life and the lives of those you love and serve."

So "schedule regular time to worship in the temple..." When I first heard that, I thought of looking at my calendar to schedule it in, but really, we have to log in to the website and schedule an appointment now! I thought that was very prophetic! As if I needed more proof that he was a prophet. I've read the book on his life, I know he is the man chosen by Christ to guide the church today. Also, back in October 2019 when he gave his closing remarks, and he said that the April 2020 General Conference would be "not only memorable; it will be unforgettable" my first thought was "Wow, that's a big statement! How is he going to do that? Another commemorative video or musical number?" But President Nelson maybe didn't know how it would happen, just that it would, cause Christ probably told him that. It was God's promise, not President Nelsons and it really did happen! Not just cause of covid, but it's been a launch pad for me into learning so much over this past year, I'm go grateful for all the videos and podcasts made by such able teachers that have enriched my gospel learning. 

So little tangent there, but I'm so glad that the temples are open for proxy work again. :) What else from today... Joseph and Emily came over again, and it's always fun to have them here. although I hope we don't smother her, although it looks like we are in this picture of her sitting on the couch, listening to Sophia read from her 3rd grade book, while Daniel and Natalie both braid  her hair! She is passing the test of tolerance, but we're hoping the little kids don't scare her away! They love Emily!
I was able to get them away when I took Sophi to soccer practice. The little kids came with us. Friendly Daniel started up a conversation with a lady at the park and she was so nice and let Daniel throw the ball to her dog and he stayed over there with her for the whole hour!
The dog's name is Leah. 
I stayed watching Owen and Peter at the park. 
I was the lava monster and they taunted me, daring me to just try getting them - 
After soccer, I took Wes over to my parents' house. They are going out of town this weekend and Wesley is going to go by and take care of their yard and garden while they are gone Friday and Saturday. Each day is a 2 hour watering process. Wesley made a color coded map to help himself remember how long to do each plant and which setting on the hose to use. 
I think he's an architect or landscape artist in the making. While my dad showed Wesley around again, the little boys played with and fought over my mom's sequin pillows. 
Wes's decoration was the last one and thus the one that will be preserved until another grandkid comes over. It said "Wes Is Best". And finally, a cute moment tonight happened when Daniel told Wes his hair looked weird and D was trying to give W advice on how to fix it/ Wes couldn't get it right though. 
Finally Daniel decided to just do it himself. 
Owen helped too. We have a little toddler barber shop, ha.
Cute kids. 

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