Sunday, July 18, 2021


Peter had a bit of a fever this morning. Corey stayed home with him. Cuties.


Daniel is super cute with his primary teachers, Brother and Sister Huber. He is super sweet to them. He's sweet to us too, but I love seeing him be cute with the Hubers. 
They are quite enchanted with his fun little personality. I took this picture, but she took a picture of the drawings he did on the chalk board. I'll upload them later. He drew lots of hearts for LOVE.

Tonight we had a neighborhood "walkabout" at our neighborhood's house over past our back fence. Daniel was sitting on the grass with the teenage girls, playing a "toss the waterbottle game" that was really cute. 
He really does have such a cute personality.
After Owen enjoyed some walkabout refreshments, he went and was hard at work playing "real minecraft" hitting trees with sticks and rocks. 
Peter enjoyed the slide. "Cheese!"
Daniel playing and dancing with more girls.
The kids had fun. It's a nice Sunday activity to go visit with neighbors.

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