Saturday, July 17, 2021

EFY Over, Bye Cousins

This morning I woke up to Peter crying. I picked him up and could feel that he had a fever. It was about time to leave to go get the kids at EFY, but Corey was still in bed. The night before, he had told me that he wanted to pick up Abi and see a bit of what her "Adventure For Youth" experience at Camp Maple Dell had been like. He was going to get her at 7, and then he would go pick up Wes. He had texted Wes he'd be late getting him but would be there between 8-8:30. Wes was in Provo for the Habits for Life camp there. So at about 6am I asked Corey how he was doing, and he was not feeling well from his shingles, so I took Peter with me and left to get Wes. I texted Abi's friend's mom and asked if she could pick up Abi. I couldn't text Abi because last Saturday night, as she was hanging out with friends, she accidentally dropped her new Gabb phone in the pool, so she didn't have anything to take pictures with this week, so sad for her. I also couldn't tell her what was going on with pick up this morning, but her friend's mom said they'd get her, so it worked out well. I left at 6:15 to get Wes, but he still didn't want to get picked up until 8, so I arrived in Provo at 7, Peter had fallen back asleep, so I pulled into a parking lot by BYU Broadcasting and took a nap. I picked him up at 8 with a friend Aidan who is from... Oregon? And he came and hung out at our house until he figured out when/how is aunt could get him. Abi and Tara stopped to get some Krispy Kreme on their way home. 

I got home at 9 and Peter and I took another little nap in the front room in the king sized Love Sac that has been in the front room until Wes can help us move it upstairs. It is huge a . Abi was back at 10 and the first think I noticed was her dirty dirty feet! She looked like a hobbit!
She said that that was how they looked basically the whole week! She got back just in time to join us and the Hibberts for one last hang out. We went up to the Temple Quarry trail to look and ride around. The river is all dried up. The kids found a log and started building a boat. Owen also calls it "playing Minecraft". They got little sticks and used rocks as hammers to plug up all the holes in the log. Pretty cute. Soon it was ready to go, and they just needed to paint it with mud. 
Peter was warm still but came long. He missed Wes this week.
We suited Grant and his kids up with bikes and they did a few laps on the asphaulted path.
Then we took them up close to the Grit Mill trailhead and they rode down the double track together. Cute little Caleb was riding shotgun! So cute
On your marks, get set, go!
I went home to get water, and when I got back, they were all gone doing one more run down. Good stuff. Then we said goodbye to the cousins from Texas. Hugs!
They were off for a few more visits with friends. They head on their drive home on Monday morning. On the ride home, I took a picture of Corey's car with it's bikes.
It's a good looking rack. Peter took a nap at home, He felt a little less hot after his looong nap, like 5 hours! I got a little bit of computer stuff done as he slept on the floor beside me. How are you doing sweetheart?
He had fallen asleep looking at his cars. He picked up where he left off.
It's been a good day to rest a bit and recover from our very busy day yesterday. Corey took kids to Costco and Scheels when they took Aidan to Frontrunner. Corey was getting bikes tuned up before Park City. Abi mowed the lawn and cleaned her fish tank, which looked horrible. I think when I turned down the AC while we were gone in Tahoe, it made his water warmer and the grime grow a little more or something like that. I also (confession) totally forgot that she asked me to take care of her fish! I forgot until Thursday night when, before scriptures, we were watching a few videos about animals and then the kids were asking why we can't have a pet, then I was like "Shoot! The fish!" I thought it would be dead for sure, but it was alive and still is, phew! I gave him a bit of food and felt like I could say it wasn't my fault if he ended up dead on Friday or Saturday before she got back home. I haven't told her that, Abi sorry if you're reading this and find out of my negligence. Fish is all happy now though. But she didn't want to take a shower until after she did all the dirty work in the yard and cleaning the tank, so her messy feet have been glaring at me all day. I'm like "Wash your feet! Don't walk around on my carpet with your feet looking like that!!" It game me some understanding on the importance of washing feet in Biblical times, and how dirty the pioneers must have been. Like people have had dirty feet for probably the whole history of the world up until the 20th century. 

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