Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Before the Holiday

I slept very well last night and didn't have any interruptions from Peter. In the morning, I discovered why. Peter climbed up on Wesley's bed and was bugging him instead of me! Thanks for taking the hit for me, Wes. (Sorry you still have school today!)
It is a short week for school. I took carpool, but I'm glad that we have Thanksgiving Break before us. We are going up to Park City tonight, but I didn't look at the calendar until this morning and that was when I realized we had a concert tonight! Nathan Pacheco performing with Lyceum Philharmonic at Abravanel Hall! I felt bad that we were going to be late for Park City, and the kids were a little sad too, but we're not wasting these tickets! I got these a few months ago when a neighbor, who has a son playing cello with Lyrceum this year, said she could share her discount code with friends and family! So I got 6 tickets and was originally planning for Corey and I to take the girls, with the hopes of inspiring them to want to play with Lyceum like Joseph and Melodie did. We had a few logistical things that made tonight tricky for both Corey and I to go to with the girls, but when no in-laws could go with the girls, we figured it out. Corey headed down with ALSN and I stayed home with the kids until I picked up Wes from hockey  practice. I picked him up with the little boys in the car, and then took them home and turned right around to head downtown to catch up with Corey and the girls. I was late but didn't miss much of the show. The disappointment of being late for Park City might back fire on me though... Lily and Sophi were kinda laying back in their chairs and sleeping the whole time and asking when we could leave. But it was so good. Nathan Pacheco is amazing. I loved it. Abi liked "To Make You Feel My Love" and "One Heart" from West Side Story.
I took a few videos.... I justified that it was ok since I saw other people taking videos. Here is his lovely version of Forever, one of my favorites! I've never blogged of that song, but I have shared it at Easter time on facebook and in texts to family and friends. It is so lovely. The girls did perk up for Home Again from the Greatest Showman, but right before the last number, I agreed that it was getting late, and so I gave my blessing for Corey and the girls to head home. Since I had come separately, I said I was going to stay for one more, But then I stayed for two more, and the encore of "Time To Say Goodbye" LOVE LOVE LOVE. 

I got home and we all finished packing up. But then Corey shared with us all that the presentation in Korea for his Narx project was about to happen. Soon his friend Peter was up! 
Watching the video presentation.
Ok, it's done, we can go. 
We were late to Park City, but that's ok, we have all day tomorrow. Oh, one last funny thing - we were almost on our way, I just had to get gas. As I was filling up, Peter looked out the window at the billboard and was sad that Lightening McQueen was broken. But he was happy to see a dinosaur in the distance - a little black outline of a porcupine for the porcupine grill - but hey, it does look like an allosaur! Peter is so cute. 

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