Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Little Sick

I don't know who grabbed my phone today, but this is the only picture on my camera roll. I might be putting dishes away. 
I'm either holding a bag of goldfish crackers or almond crackers in the silver bag. Lately I have been craving cheese and crackers. My weight this month has gone from 145 to 152. We've been laying low here. Some of us have sore throats and stuff. Corey was sick on the 21st last week with a fever after his covid booster shot. That same day Joseph went skiing with Wes and a cousin Seth. Seth's brother Isaac decided to come over and hang out, which we wouldn't have minded except that after he got here, he had a cough. Not totally out of control, but coughing (like sneezing) is the new leprosy and we were like "Uh... should you be out in public?" aka "Unclean! Unclean!" At the end of the day I took him to front runner to take the train home, and I think from my being in the car with him, as he continued to cough, on that 20 minute drive, I was exposed and I think that is what got me sick. I've had a sore throat and cough. Daniel and Sophi have too. Corey told Isaac that day "I'm gonna be mad if you ruin our New Years Eve plans!!" and it looks like that might be happening for some of us. Plans are to go up to the cabin on New Years Eve and enjoy a day of skiing on New Years Day, but we'll see who makes it. I did a Costco run today to get stuff for our food contribution at the cabin

Not much else to report for now. School starts on Monday, back to carpool. life, and routine. Speaking of routine, Joseph me this definition that he learned today. It was shared in context of taking care of the elderly and people with Alzheimer's or dementia, but I think toddlers suffer from this too! The word is sundowning. "Sundowning: When a person gets restless and agitated in the late afternoon, evening, or night. Maybe be caused by hunger or fatigue, a change in routine or caregiver, or any new or frustrating situation. Some effective responses to sundowning are: Remove triggers, give snacks or encourage rest. Avoid stressful situations, limit activities. Play soft music. Set a bedtime routine and keep it. Give a soothing back massage. Distract the resident (in our case toddler) with a simple calm activity like looking at a magazine." Anyway, I'm going to try some of these tips with our little boys and their sundown runaround!

Oh, one other item from this past week. A text exchange between Corey and I on Monday... Corey asked "still OK if Rafael's mom comes and visits us for some weeks/months and comes to Nauvoo and stays for conference?" My reply - "Yes (months?)" Corey: "(since your having another baby and I haven't even traveled?) August 8th (when Nauvoo starts) until after Conference in October?" So we're having a guest, but I am pregnant, so I guess since it goes along with the verbal agreement we made, (end of this post - me on not one of my best days) haha.

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