Friday, December 31, 2021

Highlights of 2021

Happy New Year's Eve! Corey and some kids are out celebrating with friends, and I'm home with a cough with a few sick kids. But it's ok - it's giving me a chance to review this past year, and it's been great. Here's some of the highlights for our family in 2021 - vacations and trips, ski and bike outings, kids birthdays, and lots of other family fun:

Family trip to Moab in April 

January - Skiing on New Years DayJoseph is 21, Peter is 2
February - Family ski trip to Jackson Hole... and Grand Targhee22 Years of wedded bliss, Anniversary feast
November - Thanksgiving
Kid group photo in April before Joseph and Hyrum left for Philly 

...and the most exciting news of 2021 that we shared with the kids on Christmas Eve is that they are getting a little sister in May! We are looking forward to meeting her in 2022! We are also excited for 2022 because Melodie will be returning from her mission in March, and Ethan will come home from his mission at the end of June. We are looking forward to all the memories we will make together in this new year!

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