Sunday, January 30, 2022

Finishing December

I've still been doing awesome this past week at making vegan meals for Corey and lunches and dinners for the family. The house is also still clean!! Over 10 days!! Wow. I'm not sure who had my phone, but here's a photo from today of Daniel walking around with his pj's off his shoulders and feeling silly. 

Lily has been making origami swans and butterflies like she's creating animals for the Garden of Eden. Right now it's 5:30pm, and Corey's been over at his parents' house for 2 hours. I was going to blog, but instead I've been compiling all my years pregnancy weight notes into one spreadsheet for myself to reference. I'm trying to keep calm that I've already gained 25 lbs during this pregnancy and I'm barely over half way through (22 weeks and 160 lbs). I'm hoping I won't gain much more, but I probably will, and that is ok, I know I'll be able to get it all off. It's almost February, I have a goal to finish blogging December today, mark set go. I have three days to still do from between Dec 13-17 and two days for Dec 20-23... 

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