Monday, January 31, 2022

Good Days

Well, it's mercifully been another amazing and wonderful day. Kids and parents are all feeling healthy and well. We had violin lessons in person this week (they were online all of Jan) so that was nice to be there in person. Peter came, he had missed the train and all the fun puzzles. He used puzzles to give me a little lesson on all the modes of travel.

Things are really going so good lately, it's making me a little nervous that something bad could be coming. The whole main floor and upstairs of our house are still clean. Tonight I was done loading the dinner dishes and was wiping down the sink before we had even finished clearing off the table from another sit down dinner (mostly vegan potato bar (did have some diced ham for the kids)). I think Corey and I have both been all vegan for the past 2 weeks except for date night. Today the cleanliness jumped up two more levels cause I totally cleared out and organized my reading and scriptures desks in our bedroom...

Before above and after below -

...and I cleaned Corey's shower. I call it "Corey's shower" cause I never use it, I always take baths. I think the last time it was cleaned was in 2019 when Iveth was here. For a few months, she came over 2 or 3 times a week and helped me clean, and we did a deep clean of our bedroom and bathroom, so yeah, it's been a while. It looks so amazing now, I'm excited for Corey to notice it tomorrow! We talked to Ethan on the phone today, and Melodie was able to jump on for a few minutes. Melodie just has four more weeks until she comes home!!! Corey said "We're nervous to have you guys come home, cause things are going so good, I think we're being blessed by having all of these missionaries out serving, and we don't want it to end!" We know we need His help, and I know that even when it isn't as noticeable as it is right now, God does bless us and help us every day. I'm still kinda bracing myself for something though, cause I believe in the law of undulation and "this too shall pass" applies to the good and easy times too. I try to always be prepared for worst case scenarios, like this baby being stillborn. I have a friend who had a stillborn baby and one look at her facebook cover photo is all it takes to make me weep. I just looked it up so I could link it here and I'm crying again. The joy of expectation, then the sorrow at unrealized hopes and dreams. But happiness comes again - here they are celebrating her third birthday in heaven this past September, and they are all smiling. Joy comes again. Christ gives us hope, and through him all tears will be wiped away. When I thing of pregnancy and birth, there are just like a million things that could go wrong, it's a miracle anyone is born! If this little one does die, or if Corey or any of my kids do, I know people would come and comfort us and mourn with us. I know that we are all in God's hands. Having a child is always a risk, always an act of faith. It's out of our control, but I know in whom I have trusted. Ok, well there I've come full circle with my thoughts today: life is great, it could go horribly wrong at any moment, but it's ok cause God is in control!! I was reading CS Lewis "The Problem of Pain" at violin today, and it's pretty deep and over my comprehension, but basically from chapter 1 I think he is trying to say that pain can only exists if you believe in a higher power, otherwise there is no morality standard. I'll try to read more and share it if I understand anything. I have a clean desk now, that is my reading "intellectual" desk (the above desk with the before and after) and this one is also in our bedroom by the closet and is my "spiritual" desk (speaking of the 4 areas of the youth initiative). 

We haven't done great as a family at making goals with the children and youth program yet. But it took us a good 2 years to get going with the Come Follow Me program... I didn't do great with personal or family study in 2019 with the New Testament or 2020 with the Book of Mormon, but we did awesome last year with the D&C in 2021 and are rocking it this year so far (I am loving all the podcasts!!), so I'm being patient with myself that we'll get a handle on the Children and Youth program eventually, too. 

When I saw this print up, it reminded me of the 12 hours of the Hebrew day and the four watches of their night, so I thought I'd try to split up the goals into certain times of the day like that. I'm still working on it. I do have that pic above taped to the wall by my scripture study desk on the wall to remind me that I need to work on these goals/habits - 
Ok, time for bed, goodnight.

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