Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dinosaur Toy

I took Peter with me to run an errand today while Daniel was at a friends' house. I was looking for Orbeez cause Daniel likes them at the moment. I found them. They were by some dinosaur toys, which caught Peter's eye. So I ended up buying in a dinosaur toy too, cause I usually can't say no to him.  

I can, I just don't like to. Plus he loves dinosaurs, so this will be a good and well loved toy I'm sure. 
The dinosaur helped Peter eat a snack of chips. It had 5 tiny dinosaurs that can go in it's mouth and that it stores in it's tummy. Then you open a latch in the tummy to get them out. Pretty fun.
The dinosaur kept Peter company and they are good friends. 
It might be because cause Peter is our 12th child, or maybe it's cause he's the baby... maybe it's cause we're getting old enough to be grandparents, but we spoil him a little and we don't mind. He's adorable and it's fun to dote on him. 

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