Sunday, January 9, 2022

Joseph is 22!

Happy Birthday to Joseph! He was going to head down to Provo at 9am, so we tried to hurry back from Park City so that we could see him on his birthday before he left. When I got home, we called out to see if he was still home, and he was, and he was still in bed even, So we had plenty of time to be with him for his birthday. We all got ready for our Sunday worship services (except Owen who wasn't following my "go get dressed for church" instruction) and we took a little photo to show sibling support and celebration of Joseph being "22!"

If you want a laugh, zoom in on that photo and look at each child. Go from right to left... (Try to not look at the next pic in this post yet). That little boy on the end has a silly expression. He appears to be holding up the hour glass for Joseph's life, time is ticking Joseph! Owen is warning you of the grim reaper comin' for ya. Here's my cropped picture of him. Silly Owen!
So we all went to church, even me, cause I was feeling better and didn't even cough once last night, I was very grateful for that small miracle, and also cause my covid test came back negative, so we went to church and it was great. Some wonderful neighbors who recently returned from serving as mission presidents in Ohio spoke. And Joseph was glad that he wasn't exposed to covid after being around us or have to quarantine on his birthday. Then I left with Joseph to take him down to BYU. He had bought a cake and some ice cream yesterday to share with some of his Madrigal friends from high school, who had a get together at our house while we were gone in Park City. They spent the whole time visiting though and didn't get to the desserts. Daniel and Owen were excited that they were going to get to have some, but then Joseph took it down to school. Darn. It's ok, little boys, Peter's birthday is coming up and we'll have some cake and ice cream then. Joseph sent us a pic of him celebrating with his roommates.
Joseph said "There are a bunch of people off to the side but they didn't get in the picture so it looks like I'm blowing out candles with no one there haha" (He didn't have any candles on it) Here they are...
Yay, Joseph does have friends. Also some girls from his ward FHE group brought by a cake for him, so nice. Yay, a pic with candles!
Happy Birthday Joseph! Be happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time, and go have a great year of dressing up like a hipster and going out to eat breakfast at midnight (Lyrics from the song 22 in case you didn't know). 

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