Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Years Day Skiing

Happy New Year! Corey spent the day skiing with some of the kids up at Brighton, a tradition we were happy was on this year (missed last year with covid). It was crazy freezing cold. The weather ap said it was 2 degrees around lunch time. Corey said the thermometer at the cabin said it was -5 this morning - brr!! Here's a picture of Sophi and Corey bundled up on the hill. A beautiful sunny day, but COLD.

They let Owen and Daniel take a break from skiing and seek shelter back in the warm cabin. There were a few parts of our New Year's traditions that were missing this year. I didn't go up cause I stayed home with kids who had coughs and sore throats the past few days (we're blaming Isaac). Sophi and I  both felt a little sick, and I decided to try and keep Owen, Daniel and Peter home so that things would be easier for Corey to manage. I was able to convince/trick O and D into staying by letting them know that "The kids who stayed home get to play the Wii!!" They took that bait and were excited and I let them play for more hours than is probably recommended for toddlers. 

But it's a holiday, so I'll be easy on myself. Sophi played too. Wes set it up for me before they all left.

Ethan and Hyrum both called home to say hi, cause they are able to call on holidays. Ethan was able to talk with some friends up at the cabin, so that was fun. We didn't ring in the new year here at home, but I did try to get the kids to bed around 9. As soon as I turned off the Wii before bed, Owen protested "...But I wanted to go to the cabin!!" I let him know that Dad was coming back home tonight and would take him skiing with him tomorrow. So for tonight, SOD&P were home, Corey went up with WALN. Corey came home to sleep in his own bed after staying for the 10:00 ball drop (they celebrate with the east coast every year). He was almost home when Abi called him and asked if he could come back to get her cause she was sick. She threw up right after the ball drop and after running around the cabin for the polar bear challenge. She started coughing when she was back inside and then puked - a little got on the carpet but she caught most of it in her hands. Gross, but yay, good job Abi for keeping up with that tradition! (O sick in 2017D sick in 2018). Corey was almost home and didn't have it in him to go back up. I knew that he needed to get to bed if he was going to make it out for skiing early in the morning, so I drove up to get Abi. Sophi felt better so I took her up to sleep over and dropped her off and came home with Abi and Lily. I was home a little before 1 am. 

Joseph was in charge of our kids for the night. He and his friends were playing card games when I got there at midnight. Our young kids are growing up - we've got four retuned missionaries in this pic! And one of them is married (J's good friend Talmage). 

Lily didn't want to go skiing and wanted to go home, but Corey convinced her to stay last night at 10 when he left, but now she took her second opportunity to leave and she came home with me too. I was able to sleep in. Luckily a little bit of pressure convinced her to go back up with Corey this morning. They left at 8:14 and beat the ski traffic. He took Lily, Daniel and Owen up with him. Sophi and Joseph went skiing too. I stayed home with Peter and Abi. She was scared of barfing up again. It was super cold. That made it not fun for the toddlers. Their faces and fingers and everything were freezing and so it wasn't very enjoyable for any of them, but we hope the toddlers will go again on a warmer/less freezing day. Wes didn't ski - he played games in the cabin all day. And Natalie hung out in the cabin too. Here at home I was able to go exercise and then I brought home some Costa Vida for Abi and I - a new tradition for people who are sick on New Years Day.
It's 6:00 now and Corey and the kids are on their way home. It's been a nice Christmas/winter break. It's back to reality on Monday! Party time is over, but it's been good.

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