Thursday, February 3, 2022

Good Habits

Our house has been pretty darn clean for 2 weeks today! There are all the main things that I have been keeping clean each day, like the main floor, the sink, laundry, bathrooms, my bedroom, and then I've been doing little side projects like organizing the desks or cleaning out drawers each day too. Corey stayed home today and I made him a healthy vegan lunch - a hummus bagel, dried apricots, and some juice. He likes juice.

We're doing well at reading scriptures. I think it is fully establish as a family habit. It took a few years to get in the grove of the new Come Follow Me program (we didn't do as well with the New Testament, did better with the Book of Mormon last year, and now we've got it down. I've been doing great at making dinner, and then right after dinner we go read for a little bit and say our family prayer. We have lots of good discussion as we share current events and cultural trends. We enjoy talking with and teaching our chidlren. 

It is rewarding and we're so thankful to have all these wonderful kids in our life.

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