Friday, February 4, 2022

Starting Trumpet

Owen is starting trumpet lessons and has been practicing with Natalie when she does her Suzuki book 1 review. He just plays the rhythm along with her and it's pretty cute. 

I would prefer the kids stand up while they practice, but I haven't been pushing it lately. Cute Peter asleep on our floor this morning. 
The house clean and I feel really good. I worked on the laundry room desk today, which is a high clutter area that always seems to be a problem, but now it's clear. I love having a clean house. Today I dusted and polished my bedroom furniture, vacuumed everything, all laundry is done, and went to Costco for groceries. I bought two boxes of these cute little colorful bowls cause they were just so cute. We also took the Fiesta in for an oil change, and to ask them to look at what's going on with the stereo, cause it's broken somehow - the music won't turn off OR turn down when Wesley turns off the car! And when it's on and he's driving, he can't turn it down or change the station or change it to bluetooth. He's been trapped listening to songs he doesn't like for two days, and when he drove it to work, he just left it on during his shift, cause it wouldn't turn it off. And it's been blasting super loud too, it's kinda funny but also annoying. So at the service shop, they said that the only thing that they could do to turn it off was disconnect it entirely, but now it is working, so there's definitely something screwy, cause they disconnected and it should be off, but instead now it works fine like normal, so that's strange and we thought it was pretty funny. We went out to eat for date night at Blue Lemon downtown. Things are still going well all around right now in our life and I am very grateful.

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