Saturday, February 12, 2022


The kids made a fort in the front room yesterday and slept in it last night. They did ask first, and they did promise to clean it up, but I was a little hesitant... By morning time, most of the blankets and their anchoring books had fallen down. I was still counting on Lily's promise that they'd clean it up. Owen in the middle of the forts, and I think that's Sophi's arm waving at me from below the ottoman - 

But as I should have expected, Abi and I did most of the cleaning up by ourselves. So I am documenting it here so hopefully I remember to not let them build any more forts under vain promises of cleaning it up. They won't. I can still let them do it just to be nice, but I won't do it anymore because they are promising to clean it up. It just doesn't happen. I wasn't sure if the 3+ week cleaning streak we've had going on here could survive a day of kid fort making, so we were lucky that we had company coming for dinner. We haven't had Father David over for a while... not since before they all got sick with covid last fall. Corey had a nice visit with him and they discussed in person some of what they've been sharing over text over the past month. I listened in to a lot as I cleaned up dinner and joined in a little with a few comments. It was fun to hear them discuss. I love the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and am so grateful to have Jesus and his teachings as the guiding light in my life. I love everything the restored gospel helps me know, it gives us so much light and truth. I'm forever grateful. I know our Catholic friends love the Lord, and we love Him just as much, only we know a little more about him thanks to the restored gospel. We know about his American ministry in the Book of Mormon! And his latter day teachings in the Doctrine and Covenants! We have more insights into his premortal life in the Joseph Smith Translation and the Book of Moses and the Book of Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price. I look forward to learning more as he yet reveals many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God

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