Sunday, May 29, 2022

Favorite Hymn

Today at church, for sacrament meeting, we just sang hymns and different people went up to share what was their favorite hymn and why and then we sang it. Last week, Bro Eakins asked me if Daniel or Owen would be willing to share. I thought they were probably too young to really have a favorite hymn, but maybe Natalie or Sophi could. But he wanted someone younger, so I said I'd see. At home, I asked Owen what his favorite church song was. He said "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes". Well, that's not gonna work for his. So then I asked Daniel. He said "Keep the Commandments" That could work! "Why is that your favorite hymn?" I asked. "Because it's easy." Hmm... that's an appropriate answer for a 5 year old, and I don't think we could expect better from a young kid. So I texted Bro Eakins and said Daniel could do it. Today near the end of the meeting, the time had gone over and I was slightly worried they were going to just not do Daniel, but thankfully they did, and said that this last song would just be the final hymn for the meeting. Phew! I was glad that I wasn't going to have a sad toddler on my hands cause he didn't get to do his talk. They said Daniel would be the last one to share a song. He walked up with a smile and probably feeling pretty important. Cute little kid standing behind our tall former NBA player second counselor.

We had reviewed several times what he was supposed to say "I like the song Keep the Commandments, cause it's easy." I tried to have him repeat it to me so he could say it on his own, but he didn't want to say it on his own. He wanted me to help. I said that Abi was going to help him. He looked at Abi and said "You are going to secret it in my ear..." and I thought that was really cute. "secret it" aka whisper, ha. So he goes up there and she told him what to say, and he already knew what to say, but he still messed it up. "I like the commandment..." "The song!!" "...the song Keep the commandments... cause it's easy" and everyone chuckled at his cuteness and Daniel beamed with pride. 
So that was fun. He's a cute kid. We had a sit down dinner today. At church we talked about how important family meals are, to give us parents opportunity to talk to our kids, teach them, and learn what is going on in their lives. I need to do better at sit down meals. I'm hoping to not be thrown off too long with the newborn. I appreciate Abi and Mel and the help that they lend to this area.
I should probably get the other kids to help too. Things are good. Today was my last Sunday at church before the baby comes! We're almost there, hallelujah. Here's a pic from this morning, snuggling with Peter for one of the last times, before another baby shows up to take priority.
He looks squished and uncomfortable to me, yet relaxed. I'm sure he's going to look at feel like a huge kid once I start comparing him to the weight of the baby.

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