Monday, May 30, 2022


Yesterday I joined Corey and the kids playing compatibility. The teams were Corey and me with Owen on the side (we didn't have enough cards, so Owen played with the Wride compatibility cards and shared with us his choices each round, he's cute), Mel & Abi were a team, and Sophi & Natalie. Mel and Abi won, but that's ok, Corey and I still know we're a compatible couple. One of the funny moments was when the word was "competition" and I chose pictures looked like sports and business, and Corey mostly did too, except for one of the pictures he chose was the baby. 

"Why did you choose that?" and he said "...cause it's not a competition" teasing that that is the reason why we have a large family. It's just me and my competitive spirit. Ha. So that was funny. Another word was accident. Some of the picture I chose were a dollar sign, a traffic and construction picture, Corey chose those too, but he also chose the baby for that one. "Not that I didn't want any of our children, but for some people a baby might be an accident..."

The hospital called as we were playing and the nurse told me to call Tuesday morning at 7 am. So yay, delivery day is close at hand. That was promising, and then this morning at 10, I got a call from the hospital again. I had a slight hope that they were going to say "Why don't you just come in today!" but instead she said "Dr. Smith has some surgeries tomorrow morning at Lone Peak, so he wants you to call at 11" Ok, that's fine. And then she said "Also, we have a lot of medical inductions scheduled for tomorrow, and yours is elective, so the medical take priority, but just prepare that it might not happen tomorrow..." UGH. 

So I've been exploring my emotions and I'm handling it mostly well. I am still praying for it to be tomorrow, cause I really wanted her to have a May birthday (we have 3 June's already and none in May) and cause tomorrow is my mom's birthday, and I thought that would be special. So, some of my "lasts" are probably second to lasts now. I might exercise again, I might have to sleep for another night with this child making me uncomforable, but I still trust that someday soon I shall be delivered. Me having to wait another day or week for this child is not as hard as some people who have to wait for 10 years to even have one child, not to mention that I've been given 12 already. I trust in God and in his timing, even if I wish things were different or faster. I hope my patience is increasing. I'm glad that I thought she'd come in May though, as that did help me cope, to be able to say/think "next month" and "this month" instead of June. 

Other than the slight lag in my spirits from having to wait another day, today was a really good day and kick off to summer. I got little "Summer Folders" ready for the elementary kids on Saturday and today was day 1 and they did great! 

They all cleaned their rooms, practiced music, did some work in their Scholastic school books, and read. The house is pretty clean and I did a good job helping them too. AND we also had a sit down lunch. Ham sandwhiches for the littles, Salmon burgers with teriyaki for Corey and I and a few older kids.

We kinda skipped dinner, cause Corey took the kids that did all their stuff out to Leatherby's. 
Cause after ice cream of that size, no one needed more calories.
So they had ice cream for dinner and I had apples. They they came back and watched a few movies. We had enough screen time that Corey and I decided to not do scriptures downstairs on the tv and we came up into our bedroom instead. But the sugar from the ice cream must have kicked in big time cause they were all being nuts and wrestling and laughing. Corey and I kinda looked on in awe at the noise. 
So these pics are of them being crazy at 10:30. 
We were waiting for Wes to come back from hanging out with friends. He was supposed to be back at 11, he was a little late. Then we read a little bit of Judges 3, crazy story, and I told the kids if they want to meet their new little sister tomorrow, they need to pray. Maybe their childlike faith will work, cause I'm not sure my prayers are working... I thought I put in the right payment amount, but it appears the cosmic vending machine is jammed (referring to Elder Christofferson's message at April General Conference, that was a good talk for me to listen to today). So it's up to these kids to make it happen. They started to collapse one by one. Things looked much calmer at 11:30.
But we can't stay up this late! I hope we can still keep a good bedtime schedule even with the brighter summer nights. As for this week, the jr high kids have 3 more days of school. I have carpool in the morning, I'll wake up and get kids up but I'll probably have Mel take them. I need to turn off my alarm to call the hospital at 7, and I shall reschedule it for 11 and pray for mercy.

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