Saturday, May 28, 2022

Ride, Audition, & Butterfly

I enjoyed my last bike ride this morning! The forecast said it was going to rain at 8, so I left early to be sure to get it in - woke up at 5:15 am, left at 5:30, and was at Corner Canyon before the Coyote Trail head gate opened. I left from the Coyote Trail Head and went up to BST to Ann's to Peakview to Ghost Falls. I think we're going to have this little girl's middle name be Ann, after Ann's trail, and after my mom if she's born on Tuesday (my mom's birthday). A view of the temple from Ann's - 

I did the quick Rush Trail from Canyon Hollow twice, cause it's so fun. It was a great ride. It never did rain, so I was in a hurry for nothing, but I'm glad it helped me get out quickly and start the day off in the mountains. I was back home before Corey and Abi left for her GMS audition. Corey said he heard that she did great in the audition, although he could tell she was lost and in over her head for the theory exam. The other people were writing down answers and Abi was at a loss just staring at the questions. 
They went out to Ihop after to celebrate all the hard work she had done preparing. 
After he got home, Corey took the little boys out to the Kangaroo Zoo again (Pleasant Grove this time) and they had fun. Corey is such a good dad to all of our children, big and little. And for me, today I've just been trying to getting stuff done before the baby comes next week! Abi found a butterfly in the back yard today, so that was fun.
She shared it with Daniel. 

It wasn't trying to fly at all and looked like it was struggling for some reason. We eventually left it in a tree, letting nature take it's course. We talked about monarchs, and I have hope that we'll find some eggs this year. We haven't had any caterpillars or butterflies the past 2 years. The last ones we had were two in 2019 and then another one that year. An article I read in January said that the numbers have increased in 2021, so I'm going to look more diligently this year. Numbers are still really low, but we're going to exercise faith. Our milkweed looks really good, so yeah, hopefully we'll have some monarch beauties this fall.

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