Friday, May 27, 2022


I've been making note of all my "lasts" - my last time cleaning the toilets, my last time giving Corey a hair cut, my last time painting my toenails, last time washing my hair... everything is a ceremonial "last-time-before-the-baby-is-born!" celebration. Today I was excited to take my iron supplement for the last time. Corey and I also went to the temple for the last time today. We usually go on Saturday mornings, but tomorrow Abi has an audition with GMS so we did the temple today. I went with Owen to his trumpet lesson for the last time. He's doing a great job. They did a little concert for me.

After I was home from that, Corey and I enjoyed our "last" date night. We went downtown to Nordstrom Grill. The Applewood Salmon ginger pear salad was wonderfully delicious again. I'm starting to put away some of my maternity clothes and getting ready to get out all my transition clothes. I'm going to go on one last bike ride tomorrow morning, and yeah, I'm excited that this is my last weekend being pregnant! Hallelujah.

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