Monday, August 15, 2022

Elementary Kids First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for Sophi, Natalie, and Owen. They were very excited! 

Sophi is in 5th grade, and she is also a Safety Patrol Captain!

Natalie is in 4th. She's going to rollerskate to the bus stop. She said she can fit the skates in her school bag. 

Owen is in 2nd grade. 
These two kids are the rejects that are left behind. No school for Daniel and Peter, so sad.
Peter had just woken up, and it was on the wrong side of the bed today, so he was a bit cranky and put on a good scowl. 
He wanted to go to school, but I was able to make him forget all his problems by offering him some chips. Sorry, P, that I'm teaching you to use food as a distraction from your feelings. We'll fix it later. Daniel took staying home ok. He gets to go to school on Wednesday for an assessment and then he starts school on Thursday. The older kids, Abi and Lily, start school on Thursday too, so that helps that they're keeping him company and he's not home alone. Sophi and Natalie were working hard picking out their clothes last night.

We did some back to school shopping on Saturday. We didn't get any clothes, but we school supplies and the big treat was when everyone chose a water bottle. We haven't bought them before, we've just used whatever water bottles were kicking around the house, but now it's official. Owen chose a Minecraft water bottle, so that was pretty exciting for him. They are excited to be back at school. One last pic for today of the baby, of course. Katharine is lifting up her head SO WELL! It's so cute!

She's getting so chubby and so heavy. It's cute, but also sad that she's not little anymore! Well, she still is little, but she's getting big really fast. Just over two months and she's bald and fat and we love how chubby she is, it's cute cute cute.

Another thing from yesterday was that Corey had the idea to take our chrysalis tree over to a neighbor, who's husband was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. They are a young family, so I wasn't sure if it would be a burden to have a ton of butterflies to watch over or if it would be a good thing, so I texted her. She said they'd love it, and so we took over three chrysalides and one caterpillar for them. They have a daughter in Sophi's class at church, so Sophi went with Corey to take it.
I thought it was a great idea, and I hope watching butterflies does give them some awe and peace as they face this new trial. God does watch over us, even and especially in our trials. 

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