Thursday, August 4, 2022

Melodie in Vienna

Melodie sent us some pictures of her fun today! She is in Vienna - 

Vienna is the capital of Austria, if you didn't know.

She's been doing sight seeing - 

And eating lots of gelato ~

...and enjoying the beautiful beautiful historic city!

Flowers. She's a girl after my own heart. I'll put that one in the collection.

On Monday, before her flight to Vienna, she went spent the day in Chicago - 

She went to the Museum of Illusions, pretty fun stuff!

I don't know what to share about her day there. These older kids need to start their own blogs and record their own detailed memories. 

It's fun watching them grow up and learn and have their own adventures. And we have a lot more kids in line! I hope we can live to be 100+ and stay healthy and limber enough to keep up with them. Mel is sorry to miss Park City this year, but that's how life happens. Ya can't do everything. Besides, she knows what goes on up here...

It's just kids sleeping in this morning, watching Sponge Bob and Big City Greens, and hanging out in the hot tub. Abi with cousin Rhyan - 
Oh, and of course, now that we're a biking family, there is a lot of mountain biking! Corey and I did a quick ride this morning (Jenni's to Loose Moose - the one that Joseph and I did yesterday morning), and then I took Wes down to the valley today cause the Fiesta is fixed and he we were going to go pick it up and then he was going to go on on an ice skating date with a friend in Provo, but then she couldn't, so we decided we'd get the Fiesta later and came back. I didn't mind the trip home cause I was able to check on the caterpillars and give them more milkweed. Daniel, Peter, and Katharine came with Wes and I. We got back to Park City in time to join the boys on a bike ride up at Guardsman Pass. Corey's dad dropped us off. We did NOT miss the Scotty's Bypass turn this time, and thus did not go up to Jupiter Peak or on the Dead Tree trail, so it was a better experience. Also cause we started earlier and thus weren't stuck in the dark like last year. So Corey, Seth, Joseph, and Joseph's friend Spencer and I headed out on the trail.
Someone took a pic of Corey and I, I'll see if I can find whose phone that was with. And you know,  it was easy to not miss Scotty's Bypass becasue there was a very obvious sign pointing the way to it. Corey and I are very sure it was not there last year! Or maybe we were just blind, cause it was super noticeable. Scotty's Bypass was sooo pretty! The wild flowers were amazing, I loved it. Joseph looking at the map as we ended Apex so we know where to go ~
It's so fun to be on top of the world. Joseph! Turn around!
Same spot but from a different angle. I'm not sure where this was, but it was lovely! Spencer and Joseph

So we're not in Vienna, but there are no complaints! We've had a great day too!

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