Monday, September 19, 2022

Daniel is 6!

Happy Happy Birthday Daniel! This cute little kindergartener was all smiles when I picked him up at school!
Before school, some of his kindergarten friends had invited him and all the kids at his bust stop to come over for a quick picnic before school ~ "Cutest neighborhood kinder crew!"
(We seriously have the best neighborhood ever). So I took Sophi and Natalie to violin, and Daniel came with us and I dropped him off at Corey's parents house so that they could give him some birthday wishes and one on one celebration love. We all stopped by after their lesson for a visit.
Daniel is loving his special day. He is the best present of all, having him in our life!
Haha - we did the birthday bag illusion again. Inside his birthday bag were two Minecraft Legos sets from us. 
And then my mom came by with some cake ~
...and I sent a quick text to invite his friends to come over to share some cake and ice cream with us. 
Now a pic with ambiance - 
His kindergarten friends, and one of their silbings... and Peter, 
It was a special day! Daniel is 6 and he's very happy! We are happy to have him in our life! He makes us laugh. Yesterday, after church, Joseph came by, cause he came up to give a talk in one of the wards in our stake (as a return missionary) and then came and joined us at church and it was nice to have him in Sunday school cause I was giving the lesson) anyway... as we got back home and were getting out of the car, I asked Joseph "How was your talk" and before Joseph could say anything, Daniel said very matter of factly "It was good!" as he walked in eating his birthday treat that they gave him in primary. And then he paused briefly, thought for a second, and said "Wait... I didn't give a talk...." Haha! Joseph and I both got a big kick out of that. He is cute, confident, and just the best. We love you, Daniel! 

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