Saturday, September 17, 2022

Fun Run and AirPods

Happy Saturday. Tomorrow at church I'm teaching a lesson/leading a discussion on Isaiah, so I'm working on that, also blogging for a second - Corey took the kids out for fun via the Get Out pass. They are headed up to Davis County, they went to Toad's Fun Zone first and now they are at SeaQuest. I'll add any pictures if they send any, or go look through wherever Corey's photos are stored if you wan to see those. 

Yesterday was the Fun Run at the elementary school. Daniel looked so cute running - 

I've had pictures taken of me running during the Fourth of July run run at when I did the Moab Half Marathon, and I don't look as photogenic as this young man. He's so cute!

I didn't go watch him, but one of my fellow kindergarten moms saw him and took those pictures. Such a cutie. I was so impressed with how much money the kids raised for it. Owen scrounged a little bit off of us, but the rest of the kids walked around the neighborhood and asked for donations. Daniel got $10 from one kind supporter, and Sophi and Natalie collected several times, knocking on doors, and our neighbors were so generous - Sophi turned in $80 bucks and Natalie donated $120! I was impressed. I'm sure it's hard to resist their cute elementary requests. 

Yesterday I woke up in a good mood today, cause I slept through the night (mostly) without an interruption from Peter. I found out why when I went to check on him - he was up in Wesley's bed! Peter's positioning there makes me think that he did not sleep still and might not have been the best bed companion... 

so I'm guessing that Wesley didn't sleep great. Thanks for taking my lickin' for me, Wes! But since I was feeling refreshed, I was up and at it and got a lot done morning. I went on a quick yet enjoyable bike ride up the canyon, and this morning I went to Corner Canyon. I've been cleaning up doing stuff like washing our bedsheets. One unfortunate thing came of that yesterday, however... after my ride, I nursed Katharine and left my air pod pros on the bed... they were wrapped up in the bundle of linens, which I was not aware of until when I was transferring the bedding into the dryer when I saw my poor air pod pros at the bottom of the wash bin. They went through a whole 1 hour and 25 minute cycle in the washing machine. I didn't cry, but I could have. Very unfortunate.

I would have turned them off if there was a power button, to try and stop any electricity from going through them, but since I can't, I did see if they'd connect to my phone, and most of the time it just showed this - Doh!

I don't know if they'll recover, but I spent the day trying to dry them out on low air, hoping to get enough air circulating through whatever internal workings it has that any water will evaporate and they hopefully won't sustain significant damage. I found a silicone gel packet that I'll seal them up with too. 

The "palicators" are doing well (Peter calls them that). Only two were released this week, on Monday and Tuesday. So just caterpillars and a few chrysalides. These two were both nibbling on the same stem and I thought they looked super cute. 

It made me think of the Encanto Song Dos Oruguitas. But let it be known, that they don't actually like to hold each other. They kinda don't like being touched at all. But I like that song, both the Spanish and English versions. 

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