Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Reading & Listening

Natalie reading with Katharine after school - aww...

No, Natalie, don't look up at me! Pretend I'm not here!

Pretty little sisters, I love Katharine snuggled up there!

Katharine looking so cute and comfy next to her big sister. So that was Natalie at 5:30, then again at 8 she was still reading. 

I don't know what book it was, but I love to see them lost in a book. I also was pleased to see her reading in the chair in the front room, cause that was just what I visualized when I put that chair there!

Did you know that Peter can ready too? Corey took this video of him reading his "Puppy's Potty Time" book, so cute! (He's listened to this a lot of times!)

So, confessions: it's November 23, 2022. I'm up at Park City the day before Thanksgiving trying to catch up on the blog for September. But it's good timing for me to be behind for this particular post - cause I can now share a podcast without it being very noticed. Like, I don't mind if people notice it cause they are listening to Laura Dixon's podcast, which I've already plugged a few times. But I didn't necessarily want to let people know I was on it cause I told them, I wanted them to find it themselves and then be "Hey, I've been listening to Laura's podcast since you recommended it, and I just heard the episode where she talked to you! I can so relate!" and yada yada. So, anyway, I did the interview for it on September 20, and I don't want to self promote it, but I did want to document a little bit... so I was originally scheduled to do this on Sept 13 but then changed that so I could go to Connor's funeral. We rescheduled it for Sept 20. I was partly glad to get it postponed cause I was super nervous, and I still was after a week of it settling on me. I tried to get a sitter, but when after two failed attempts I decided I'd just have Lily stay home from school to help me. I didn't tell Corey that I was doing that, cause I didn't think he'd approve, but that's what I did. I didn't want him to stay home with the little kids cause then it would ruin his work day, so yeah. She got up at the regular time, got ready, then we pretended she went to jazz band, but really I just parked at the church, turned off my location, she took Katharine for a walk and I went on a walk went to collect milkweed pods and then we met up again and walked together for a bit more until it had been 30 min and then we went home, she snuck back in and hid in the basement until Abi left, then little kids left, then Corey left for work. Seems like a bit much of me being deceptive, and I should have just told Corey what I was doing, but anyway, that's what I did. I didn't want Corey to know about it either, and I don't think he's listened to it. Anyway, Lily came out of her hiding at 9, I got on the call and talked to her from 10 until 11, and I was sweating like crazy, but it was a good experience and I'm glad I got out of my comfort zone doing that. I was a little worried to listen to it myself, but I think it was ok. I wish I could go back and talk slower and not say some things and say some things another way, but too bad for me I'm not in charge of editing, so, there ya go, we talked, it was recorded, and that's how it turned out. Here it is if you want to give it a listen. (None of the interviews with people is on her youtube list, but I just found the direct link in the email she sent out, so I guess the interviews are unlisted). I might see if she wants a follow up later after I reach my goal weight. I don't know if she lets people come on twice. Laura's podcast has really helped me, and I listened to that for 6 months before joining her program, and I really like it and think I've finally found the program that works for me, cause it's teaching me about myself! It's never actually been the "right" diet or exercise program that was missing from my life that caused me to struggle with my weight - it was all the way I was thinking. I'm really grateful for what I've been learning and will continue to learn about myself as I continue forward until I reach my naturally thin weight!

I will now go change the date from November 23 to September 20 and hit "publish" and just like that, magic ~ it was written in September. Tada

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