Thursday, September 22, 2022

Rainbows and Butterflies

Yesterday around 4:55, we had one of the brightest rainbows I've seen! It wasn't as tall and didn't last as long as the best rainbow we've seen in 2018, but the one today was a double and it was bright and so GORGEOUS. I was in awe. 

Zooming in a little - 

And a better picture of their cute faces - 

Rainbows are so amazing!!! Like WHO THINKS OF THAT?!?!?! If you were up in heaven trying to brainstorm some things that should be included on planet earth, how would you come up with an idea like that? I told my kids once to just try and imagine if there were 5 seasons instead of 4, what would the 5th season be and what would be some things that would happen during it. I can't come up with anything more incredible than what already is. That whole "Stand Forever" talk by Lawrence Corbridge is amazing, but just listen from 21:52 if you're pressed for time. There are miracles all around, and it's crazy amazing, from fall rainbows to autumn leaves, from monarch butterflies to snow, to the human heart, birth, and life!

My heart is full of awe and wonder at this glorious earth. Yesterday we had one monarch emerge, and the van was done and was on my way to pick it up and turn in my rental vehicle (goodbye Chevy Traverse! sniff) and I had the thought to take the butterfly to my friend Megan. It's hard to know how much to reach out, but I just sent a text to let her know that I was going to drop something off, and then I got it ready, and took it and one chrysalis over to their house. She texted back that she wasn't there but their housekeeps were, so she said the door should be open. I left a live butterfly and one chrysalis on a table for them and she sent me some pictures today of them smiling at this wonder of nature. "So so so fun <3 We let them go today after the storm passed" 

I thought of taking it to them for two reason. One being that Connor had a tatoo of a butterfly - this was on display at his funeral was on September 13th. 

He actually got a tattoo of a female monarch (I'm glad he knew the difference!) Megan just got the first image that she found online and she didn't know the difference. Megan told Corey a few weeks ago, before Connor passed, that Lizzy (their other child that died) had appeared to Connor in a dream and told him some things that he should do, like go on a mission, and that he got the tattoo after that to always remember her. Megan said that her kids often see a butterfly when Lizzy is near, even in winter time. I think I'll take them some milkweed too so that they can hopefully always have butterflies in their yard! 

A few more butterfly things - we've had some crazy wind and I've been trying to keep my caterpillars outside so that they can tell by the temperature and sun that they need to migrate, but the wind kinda freaks me out and so I'm constantly checking on them. The wind almost blew them over the other night. We were reading scriptures when it happened, I was holding Katharine, and I paniced when I saw the milkweed fall - I handed Katharine over to some kid, I don't remember who, I just shoved her over and said "Hold this!" as I ran outside. "THIS?!?!" they all said in joking shock - that is how you speak about your child? "Hold this"? I might never live that down. But the caterpillars were all still hanging on to their milkweed after that last night. I had one that fell yesterday, but some quilt batting that I got from a neighbor Terry saved his life. I've got their milkweed held down by lots of rocks and it's secure, but then again, the wind has blown over empty garbage cans before! Tonight one of the caterpillars that I thought was making it's j-hook, just disappeared. I worried it was blown off but I didn't find it on the ground or anywhere, I looked and looked, so I don't know. It will be nice to not worry about them once "caterpillar season" ends. Corey asked me that on Sunday in a moment of frustration ~ "When does caterpillar season end?" He's been very patient with me! We have a shared "to do" list on our phones and he put one of my tasks as "Save the monarchs from extinction", which was nice.

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