Thursday, September 15, 2022


I enjoyed some time snuggling my little Katharine yesterday. I love her little hands holding my finger. 

She is so beautiful. My heart has been a little tender after remembering 9/11 and also after our friends' son's funeral on Tuesday. We need to be present and cherish the time we have with our loved ones. You never know what changes and challenges life will bring. 

Natalie was feeling a little sick today and stayed home from school.

I like that Covid, I think, makes it not as big of a deal for kids to be absent from school. I got a warning letter once for Abi from the elementary school saying that she had missed too many days and she couldn't miss more or there'd be some disciplainary something. "Compulsory Education Law" - that's what it was. Anyway, I'm glad that things seem to be a bit more relaxed and that I don't have to make them go if even when it is just a tummy ache or sore throat. But she will be going tomorrow. After a long nap she felt better. I even let her snuggle baby K. Natalie is such a good sister and sitter for Katharine. She is a very attentive little mother in the making. 

We enjoy taking time to stare at and adore our little Katharine. Natalie searched out this little pink leopard and gifted it to Katharine, for it to be her toy, so that they can be twinners!

Twinners after Katharine is old enough to care about a baby toy. Your toy has been chosen, K, so we hope you like the pink leopard! 

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