Wednesday, September 14, 2022


We released one female butterfly yesterday. 

I'm not sick of it yet, and I don't think it's getting old for the kids. They will still watch if they are around when one emerges from the chrysalis, but the kids don't always come running when I call out that one is molting into a chrysalis. That's ok. 

I went to a funeral yesterday for some of our friends from high school. Not a funeral for either of our friends, Megan and Clint, but for their son. They both went to school with us, and their son passed away on Sept 3rd. This is the second child they've lost. Their first was years ago, a little girl, I think she was two or three. Our hearts are just broken for them and we're keeping them in our prayers. Their son was Hyrum's age, in between Ethan and Hyrum. We were thinking of that yesterday as we talked to Hyrum. 
Ethan and Hyrum were in a band with their son at the Soundhouse years ago. We know that we are very blessed to have had 13 healthy children, to still have them all with us. Not many people have been so generously dealt with.
Sweet baby Katharine.
God has been very kind and gracious with the life he has given to us. I am pretty confident that it won't always be this way. I pray that we will rely on God's goodness when trials do come, and they will. Trust that God loves me and that I can call upon him for strength. He will never leave us, we can have Faith in Him.

One totally easy problem we had last month was when I got rear ended on Aug 13th. It honestly didn't bother me hardly at all. For over a week I couldn't open the trunk of the van, cause the bumper had been hit to make it slightly pushed up to hit the back hatch, and that was a little inconvenient. But then after over a week, I can't remember what I was doing, but I pushed it down, and the tread on top of the bumper kinda snapped back in place and I was able to open the hatch, yay! So that was helpful since the place where the insurance was going to fix it was booked out a few weeks. Today was the day I got to take in my van to get the bumper repaired at Service King in Draper. Enterprise met me there and gave me a very nice rental - a Chevy Traverse. I am really liking this car. My favorite thing is that when I back up, it gives me a BIRDS EYE view of the car! Like it looks like it's from a satellite or something! All around me - it will have the cars on the left and the right, or the pattern of our driveway, it's super cool! 

It must have cameras all around to give me such live action footage. I really like it. Pretty neat. I'm going to enjoy driving this car for the next couple of days. I think they estimate it will be about a week to repair the bumper. Easy peasy situation. Perspective often makes me realize my problems are not problems at all.

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