Saturday, November 19, 2022

Fall Concerts & Quotes

It's fall concert season, which is the warmup to the Christmas concert season. Last night, Corey took Lily and Sophi with him down to Provo to see Ethan in a Synthesis concert down at BYU. 

Corey didn't know, but was pleasantly surprised, when he found out that Ethan was the feature performer in the final piece of the evening! He recorded it - pretty amazing Eth!

Joseph and Mel also came out to support their little brother - group pic!

Fun for them. I missed the show because I was up with Owen at his trumpet lesson. He is doing really really good at trumpet. I wish I could blow a sound, but I can't, but I'm being a decent parent music coach, I think! I help him practice (Wes was originally hired to take O to his lessons and coach him through his practicing, but we fired him cause he was not doing his job.)

Abi had a GMS fall concert tonight. As an aspiring violinist myself, I was super amazed by all the violinist, wow. I'm also amazed by how well Abi plays. I guess I'll go get the program so I can see what the pieces they played were called... (quick trip to the garage, I left the programs in the car...) Ok, they played Serenade, Op. 6 by Josef Suk - Andante con moto, and Brook Green Suite, H.190 by Gustav Holst - III Dance.

(I don't really know what any of that means, but there ya go.) Corey got her some roses, and some new black shoes on the way there for call time. We brought Katharine, she did pretty good at not being disruptive. She kept herself entertained by a little bright blue light by the entrance doors. I stood there holding her while she tried to get the light. I was able to hear the music and she was quiet, so win win.  

I took Daniel climbing for 20 minutes before we picked her up around noon after her GMS classes this morning (she goes to GMS via the bus every Saturday morning at 8am) then home so she could do her hair and get ready, then Corey took her for shoes and dropped her off at Westminster. On the way home, we stopped by Handel's Ice Cream to get her a treat. She and I both bot Midnight Madness in a sugar cone. Pretty yummy. 

Two quotes by Abi tonight: With Abi on our way into Handel’s ice cream shop after her GMS fall concert- “Grandma always says that chocolate makes you feel better. It makes me feel better even when I’m NOT sad!”

And Abi talking abt a Vegan shop she went to during GMS break “… do NOT buy chocolate chip cookies from there….” Haha! I thought that was funny. I sent those to Mel. Mel has become the family quote collector. She has been keeping a note pad with all our funny one liners (or two) and she sent this out last month (first half) and more that she sent out today. My apologies that they are not all politically or culturally correct, but we're trying! - 

• “You look fine..” “Thanks” “Not you, I was talking about Joseph” - Ethan 
• “I hear it’s not good to hold your bladder in.” -Abi
• “Mom, I don’t think the butterflies need a bath.”
• Dad: "So what did we learn from watching West Side Story?" 
Ethan: “Do whatever you feel like doing in that exact moment”
• Daniel: “Ethan, can I play your Ukulaytis?”
• Ethan: “Owen, you’re funny.”
Owen with a creepy smile: “Not for looong!”
• Ethan: “I’m just keeping lots of lines in the water.”
Dad: “Did you put on any bait?”
• Daniel: “Bate, mate, shate, late…”
Abi: “Itch, litch, pitch, mitch…”
Daniel: “B**ch!”
• “Eh, you’re a girl.” - Ethan
• “Why is no one as excited to date me as I am?” -Eth
• “Do you want to play ‘endowed/not endowed’ with me?” - Ethan
• “Mom, Natalie hit me back! ” - Owen 
“At least it’s an honest confession”
• “There’s a ghost in my tummy” - Peter 
• Owen running towards Chalane “NANCYYY!!!”
• Me (Mel) - “He’s 26, so he’s kind of old.” 
Natalie: “Does that mean you’re old?”
Me: :(
• “We didn’t invest so much in to you only for you to become a Brazilian house wife!” -Dad
• “She sounds like a CAT!” - Daniel hearing the baby cry 
• “The ‘M’ says ‘Mmm’ as in CAKE!” - Peter
• “Mel, I swear if you shake the bed one more time, I will grab you by the neck and hold you under water until the bubbles stop.” - Wes
• Daniel: "What is wrong with his cheeks?" Abi: "Nothings wrong, he's just asian."

NOVEMBER's additions:
• Joseph: “Good job Ethan you did really great, I’m glad I could pave the way for you. I’ll take as much credit as I can get.”  
• Also Joseph: “You know, we all have different talents. You’re really good improvising, and I’m really good at taking tests!” 
Ethan: “Why are you roasting me?”
• Ethan: “What did you get on the ACT? 26? It’s ok, you’re not stupid. Truman got a 30, and he’s an idiot.” 
• Ethan opening mutual: “Nooo, I don’t want to get back on this dark playground” 
• Ethan: “How tall is she? 5’2? Nah.” 
Me (Mel) ”Hey I’m 5’2!” 
Eth “Yeah, and you’re super short.”
• Dad: “Now we just need more violin and more saxophone.“
Lily: ”NOOO it’s already SO loud at home!”
• Lily: “Mel, you NEED to date Davi! He has a mustache! there are not many guys who have a mustache.” 
• “Dad, you should get to BeReal!”
“My life is already too real. I don’t need more reminders of my reality.” - Dad
• “Mel, going on dates with someone with red flags is better than not going on any dates at all.” -Ethan
• “Pursue with caution, but nonetheless, pursue.” (referring to dating) 
• Ethan: “Wait, Wesley’s in India?!?! If it’s not in the group chat I don’t know about it."
Joseph: “Even if it IS in the group chat you don’t know about it. 
Ethan: “that’s fair.”
• “What is it about biology that makes incest unacceptable?” - some guy in our apartment 
• At Walmart: “That’s not weed Lily that’s not funny, put it away” - Wes
• Daniel walking in with toy magnets 
Grandma: “No! You’ve always given me AWFUL pizza!”
• “You go have 13 kids and tell me what your favorite store is” - Dad defending his love and appreciation for Costco 

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