Thursday, December 29, 2022


Katharine woke me up early this morning (4:30) and I nursed her and after I got her back to sleep an hour later, I left to go climbing. I was able to sneak away from her, but my headphones were hidden somewhere in her blankets so I left without them. Joseph said it was too early, so I went alone and without music or a podcast to listen to for that hour on the boulders, which felt unfortunate, but maybe the quiet is good for my mind sometimes. I didn't really get further on any of the V1s that I haven't sent yet, or the purple V2 that I was hoping I'd complete today. I'll try again next time. I really can't imagine being able to do anything past V2, they all look impossible! I can't believe I could ever have the arm strength to do any of those, but we'll see... Two weeks ago some of the V1s felt impossible but I can do them now, so maybe I will get there.

After I got home, I got Peter and Katharine ready and we went to watch Wesley's hockey game. They are having a tournament, and this would have been their last game, but they won (yay) so they are in the championship game tomorrow. 

Wes with the puck - 

Hockey is a really fast game. Fast players with the skates with longer arms than basketball or football (thanks to the sticks) and a really fast ball flying back and forth. 
Fast game makes for more tired players and shorter quarters. Saying hooray to Wes after the game. Cute Peter, he's our favorite.
Katharine is our other favorite - very cute photo in Ethan's BeReal today.

My BeReal was when we were watching The Chosen. 

Today we watched episode 3. So good, I love it. The Chosen has really helped the apostles come alive, and Jonathan Roumie portrays Jesus Christ so beautifully in my opinion. Just a real, beautiful, and gentle soul, just like I imagine Christ to be. I'm excited to study the New Testament this year with all my fellow Saints! It's so fun for the WHOLE WORLD to be studying it together! 

Here I was about done when I just realized something else that has been making blogging hard - and this started over Thanksgiving - when I try to insert photos, I will have to scroll and scroll and scroll back to the right date, which takes a few minutes for the photos to load, and then I usually have to keep scrolling further (when I'm really behind), and then I finally get to the date, I click the photos, and THEN when I go to add them, it will sit there and load for a while and then say "Sorry! We could not copy your photos to your blog." 

Blaah - so stupid. Technology, you are supposed to work all the time (ha ha I know not really) I don't know why I get slightly bent out of shape when it happens. It's like the miracles of cars - it becomes normal and we just expect it to work every time, and if it doesn't and we have to jump the car or something, it can be frustrating. So the photos part just keeps putting a kink into my productivity - even when I do have a chance to get something done, I can't do it for other reasons. Ok, but I did save this, go to my phone, and upload them from the "computer"/phone/device there rather than via Google Photos, but I did contact google about that, so we'll see if that gets fixed anytime soon. For now I'll try to type here and upload there. Hopefully I'll get caught up before February.

Update - Hello, it is April now. I hope that when I come in here and insert the actual days and dates that it doesn't confuse anyone. It's like time is always present before me, ha. But yeah, it's April 6 and I am bound and determined to finish December tonight. The last post I had to do was December 28, but there were just a few pictures of Wesley for that day, and I've already got six posts for that week (I usually do 5) so I'm going to just add these photos here and then I'll FINALLY be done with December and 2022! So Wesley really loved working on this Metal Earth model of the Salt Lake Temple and he worked on it all day until it was done.

He had a whole system worked out and all the tiny tiny pieces of metal taped to paper and put on cookie sheets. 

He's going to be an architect someday and give me a really good deal on designing my dream home. Sweet.

So, a few last thoughts - I enjoy keeping a blog. I think that I find writing therapeutic, and I am glad to keep a history for our children of some of our family's years. but I'm also struggling lately, cause it seems that I just don't have time to sit down at the computer. Or when I do, like right now, the darn internet won't work or my photos won't unload or the page is "unresponsive", so I don't make any progress anyway. 

Sigh, sometimes the digital world, that is a miracle and a mystery that I don't understand, seems to be working against me. I'm lucky if I'm able to hide in the closet for 15 minutes to read my scriptures. I might need to take a new approach for the new year. Maybe just one snapshot picture? Or just a bullet-point outline of the day's calendar of events. I finally finished blogging September when we were up at Park City for Thanksgiving (haven't blogged Thanksgiving yet...) yeah... November and December are currently lacking documentation representation. I try to do 5 posts a week, so that would mean I still need to do 10 for November and 17 for December, or 16 after I publish this one. Little by little, someday maybe I'll be caught up. 

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