Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Gaga Ball

On Thanksgiving in 2021, after a really fun night playing games in the gym, we Hibbert's decided we needed to get together and have fun together more often. We said we should get together again "atleast once a month!" But it didn't happen in December, or Jan, or Feb... well maybe "once a quarter". That didn't happen either. Sad, cause we really wanted it to! We have such fun playing. We had a reunion last summer, and that was great! The ultimate frisbee was awesome, the soccer was epic. Today, we made gym fun happen again - one year and one month after our last gym fun-a-thon. Yay, we finally pulled it off. I reserved our church, got a key to open it, and so it as scheduled. Neil came with the dodge balls and new games, and we had a really fun time! Wesley loves the game Neil taught us - "gaga ball". 

You play it in a walled court (courtesy of the folding church tables) and you hit a dodge ball with your hands, and you get people out by hitting their legs. So you have to protect your legs but also try to hit the ball at others to get them out. When you get hit, you go out behind the table and wait until someone wins, then you can come back in for the next match. The games were fast and fun. The boys were all skilled at it and it was intense as they'd try to get each other out. I played a few rounds too. It was a fun game that big and little kids and parents could all play together.
Fun stuff. We did that for most of the time, then we did chair soccer. I have heard my missionaries talk about chair soccer, but I hadn't played it and didn't know the rules. Today our return missionaries taught us. Everyone chooses a chair, you protect your chair, but you're chair is also a goal to everyone else. If someone hits your chair, you're out and sit down on your chair, until the chair of the person that got YOU out gets THEIR chair hit by the soccer ball. Then you're back in. So that was fun too, and now I know how to play. Group picture after three+ hours of fun. 
Selfie so Mel and Katharine could get in it too! (...and Natalie in the wheel chair, haha)

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