Friday, December 30, 2022

Highlights of 2022

We are near the end of another year. We'll be gone tomorrow night for New Year's Eve so I've been putting this "year in review" together today and I must say, I'm pretty amazed at all we did. This has been another reminder to me of the importance of keeping records, cause off the top of my head, I would not have been able to tell you about any of these events or details. Hooray for photos and for journaling. And as I've been having many "oh yeah!" moments as I read old posts, I have to say I'm really impressed. Go team, I'll be sure to give Corey and myself a pat on the back for keeping our kids alive for another year (by the grace of God and with the help of others) and for giving them a few good memories a long the way, too. The biggest and most wonderful thing for our family in 2022 was welcoming our little princess Katharine into our family in May. 

Melodie and Ethan also both returned home this year from being gone abroad serving missions for the Lord Jesus Christ. We are so happy they were able to serve and we're grateful for their safe return (links below - Melodie home in March, Ethan returned in June). We also raised and released 108 monarch butterflies in 2022 - the most we've ever had!

Here is a month by month summary of a lot of birthdays, some traveling, and some of the more poignant memories from 2022 that I now remember I had suppressed (police with Daniel in June):

May - Mother's DayDaniel to the ER, Diaper free after 22 years (for a few weeks) and then Katharine born! School is out

We are looking forward to all the great opportunities and fun memories that 2023 will bring. We are especially looking forward to seeing Hyrum again at the end of summer after he finishes serving the Lord in San Diego. 

2023 will be a great year!


  1. Happy New Year to the whole Wride clan! Daniel is venturing out of the 'hood-- we'll do better when we see him.
