Saturday, December 17, 2022

Church Christmas Party

We had a ward Christmas party tonight. The highlight was the nativity that the primary children put on. 

You can see Daniel to the right of the stable. He was a donkey, but we thought he looked like Piglet! Super cute, haha. Sophi and Natalie were both angels - you can see Sophi with her arms out (she was Gabriel) and Natalie looking back at Sophi.
Owen was a camel for the wisemen. He's in the green shirt with hump on his back, walking in front of the angels. 
So it was cuuute, the kids all did a good job. 
Santa came after the nativity. Natalie sitting on his lap.
Daniel's turn.
Peter liked Santa. He is a brave 3 year old. 3 year old Owen didn't like Santa.
And no tears from Owen this year though!
Joseph and Ethan came up for the free meal, but they were a bit late and there wasn't much left, but they did get dessert. And they both got Katharine in their BeReal photos.
Joseph used her in his "real-moji". She's so pretty.

Another thing from tonight - we were trying to clean up today, you know - doing Saturday chores and such, and the hose for the vacuum was clogged up with something. I thought maybe it was toilet paper, so we soaked it in the tub while we were gone, but it was still stuck. I spent way too long trying to clear it out, but I finally got it all out - It was full of garbage, wipes, a scrunchy, and several gogurt wrappers, which explained why getting it wet didn't make a difference.  I was shaking my head at my children. I'm not surprised, but it's still obnoxious. 
I do a pretty good job not letting frustration get the best of me. I did more with the first few kids. I'm getting better. I'm the updated version of Tiffanie in the early 2000s. I'm Tiffanie 3.0. I'm able to cope with lots of interruptions during the night too. Like every night for the past 10 years probably. Katharine nurses several times at night, and before she was born, I was up with this poor little boy, who still wakes up with screaming several times a night. I don't know what to do to help him. Poor little guy.
We do pretty good around here with rolling with the punches of what life gives us. So we've got one more week until Christmas. I'm not stressed. I've also taken over the Christmas preparation. Usually Corey gets the gifts and wraps them. I assumed he was doing it again this year, but he said he hasn't done much, so I told him not to worry about it, I'll take it. He is worried I won't take it seriously, cause I haven't in the past, but I haven't in the past cause I assumed he didn't want my help or input. He said he did not mean to give that impression. So he's got too much to do at work, and so I told him I'll take it from here. He's already wrapped some stuff, and there are codes and a spreadsheet. I'm usually the one that wakes up at 3 am to set out the gifts. I think the way we/he usually do it is a bit overboard - there's too much giving when the kids haven't put in enough work to impress Santa, plus the system Corey uses makes it too complicated for my brain, so I might do it my way if I'm doing it, so I hope he's ok with that. I liked this reminder that I saw on facebook. AMEN! 
I'm not saying that with me in charge, that it will for sure be like Christmas in 2019, but it might be. 

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