Monday, December 26, 2022

No Long Winter's Nap

Christmas is over. Abi took down the tree today. 

Usually I'm ok to leave it up though January 1st, but Abi was in the mood to get it done, and I didn't mind. So it's all packed up and put away. My BeReal - 

We vacuumed the plastic pine needles off the floor and the front room has been reclaimed. Christmas is over, but the vacation from school isn't! And we are grateful to have time in the mornings to climb. We don't even need jazz band to get us up and out the door. I went climbing with Joseph and Wes this morning nice and early (6 am during a "break"! Wow, go us). Wes showing Joseph how to send the green V3 that Wes just figured out on Saturday!
And with Wes showing him and coaching him, J got it too. 
We love climbing, it's so fun.
We had to get up and go early cause everyone was going to go skiing at 8. Our desire to go climbing first made them a little slower getting out the door, sorry Corey. They went skiing up at Snowbasin. I stayed home with Abi and Natalie, cause they're both feeling a little sick. And we kept Peter and Katharine so everyone could have fun skiing without the little ones. I was glad Abi felt well enough to work a bit, so that was nice. They didn't take a lot of pictures skiing, but I got this one from Joseph of him (right) with cousin Seth in red, and Ethan in the middle.
Ethan having fun ~
Looks like it was a good day to ski! I've never been to Snowbasin. I'll have to check it out later. The college kids were happy to get a BeReal while skiing. It's with our Mountain Collective pass. So it was a good day - climbing, skiing, tree down, cleaned a bit. After they got home, they sat around adoring Katharine...
And we broke out the Wii. 
Most of the kids did that. Joseph still has school work - studying for the MCAT. Mel was workign on her computer too, Peter eating pizza - 
They give him a fake control so he thinks he's playing, and they cheer for him and tell him good job. 
Wes didn't play video games. He was too excited to start putting together his Metal Earth temple. Working on the spires above. I'm impressed how he can work with tiny things like this. 
We tried a little bit to be lazy, but there's a lot to do to recover from the holidays. Slightly wondering when is the part where we all settle down for a long winter's nap? I guess that's Katharine's job.
It's fun having almost all the kids home!! We are missing Hyrum but are so excited to almost be able to say we'll see him "this year" and he'll finally meet Katharine. Life is so good. 

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