Wednesday, January 4, 2023

2022 Blog Books

Blog 2 Print has a 50% off special again, NEWYEARS50, that expires tomorrow, so I spent most of my day doing that. I spent most of the day on Nov 28 making blog books for Christmas, and here I am at it again. It is now 9 pm and I finally got it finished - two books done: "2021-2022" goes from Lasts with Hyrum through Nikki Beach, and "2022" goes from Travel Day through Off to BYU. It kept messing up the beginning post of the second book so it took me a while to finally get it ordered.... I would put the date for Nikki Beach to be the first post, but they'd also add Miami, which kept making me go over my 1150 photo limit, so I had to upload it like 5 times, but it finally worked after I went back into the blog and reverted the Miami Beach post into a draft. I have to keep track of what I reverted to a draft so I can go back after and publish it again. It's a little complicated, but thankfully it's done. I might have been able to fill another blog book, but I didn't think I'd get up to 1150 photos right now since I still have catching up to do with November and December. And January now, since time keeps marching on without waiting for me to catch up! Sheesh. So, yeah, I'm probably going to need to figure out a new way to document or simplify somehow, or I can just keep trying to catch up. I do sometimes catch up all the way, like I've been caught up maybe 5 times over the last 10 years. That's probably accurate, cause Sophi is turning 12 this year, and it was when she was 1 year old, about, when I learned that I could change the publish dates on the blog posts, and that was when I started to fall behind. Before that, I'd be sure I had it done by midnight. 

Ok, so that was most of what I did today. And I just went to add photos from Google photos (and it worked!) so now I remember a few other things I did today. Of course I kissed this sweet little baby girl a lot - 

She is so beautifuuuuul. She is good at playing "put the ball in the circle" and watching it roll down, repeat. 

We are missing the orange BaLL THouGh!! Aaargh, I hate that. I wish it wasn't missing... ugh, I know I didn't get rid of it, so it's just lost somewhere. I'm guessing it was put in the wall connector for the central vacuuming thing that this house has, which we've never used. So it's probably stuck in there somewhere. If I ever see another one of these available at kid 2 kid I'm buying it. Cause they aren't available online anywhere that I've found. I don't care about the hammer, but I want the orange ball back! sniff. 

So something else super cute, along with Katharine's motor control, was when Ethan played a game with her that was SO cute. He'd say "bye" to her as he walked out of the room, then would turn and come back as a monster. 

She'd do her best to flee to safety, but to no avail, cause she can't run. Or walk. But she tried her darndest to crawl!! Or flap away like a little fish, ha! 
Poor little fishy got eaten every time, but she loved it. It was so funny to see her instinct to run combine with her inability to walk! 

I have dreams like this, when I am trying to move but I can't... I wonder if my dad did this to me and this is how they start? The kids were all laughing when I showed them the video, and Melodie used her instagram editing skills to turn it into a cute little horror clip. Her little startle/jump at the beginning - so cute! She is just adorable. We love Katharine so much!!

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