Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Laughing Baby

I have such a pretty baby.... 
That's my BeReal from yesterday with her lovely face. Here's her little face as I tickled her!
Natalie took a video of her laughing as I tickled her neck. It's a "short" so I can't embed it, but there's the link.
It was right after I changed her diaper and she had already been pretty smiley and laughing, but we tried to not use up all her laughs and save one for after she was clean, and so I gave Natalie my phone and she took it.
SO CUTE! Oh I love it. Babies are magic and pure heaven. 

Yestrday and today have been good. I felt pretty sick yesterday but feel better today. I picked up carpool (I do Tuesday and Wed pick ups), cleaned, took S to the library both days after I picked her up from safety patrol to get her another Sisters Grimm book that we put on hold. I had a plumber scheduled to come fix the tub Tues, and when I left for carpool they still hadn't come, so I left the door unlocked and was going to tell them just to go in, if they came while I was gone, but they called as I was leaving to reschedule for today. So then today they said that the faucet I got from Standard Plumbing won't work - I need "square handles" plus the two cartridges for hot and cold water are different from each other, so I went back to Standard Plumbing after they left to get the right faucet, turns out the square handle faucets, called Monticello, and gone, so we're going to prob get the cartridges replace, which is going to require accessing under the tub and prob breaking the tile around the tub, so we still don't have a working tub and this just turned into a bigger project, so I let our friends/landlords know and she wants a second opinion and someone is coming on Friday for that. Hopefully we'll have a working but within a week? 

Corey and Abi went to Provo tonight for a flute recital for Mel, I stayed home and held down the fort. It will be a later bedtime tonight but that's ok, it happens. But it's been really great for us ever since we all started to go to bed early (10 PM). Corey said going to bed early is his super power, and he's right! It's been a game changer for us all as a family. 

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