Friday, March 3, 2023

Afternoon in the Car

I am finally out of my stormy mood, thanks to having a talk with Corey this morning and a final cry. I wanted to go climbing, but couldn't cause it was an A day at Skyline, so Wesley needed the car for seminary, so I stayed home and didn't run all my errands, but I did still run by the post office to return something, and by the library to get Sophi's library book that was on hold. She's been working her way through the Sisters Grimm books. I had originally planned to go to Costco too, but wasn't able to get an early start since Wes had the car, so I decided to do that later this afternoon I waited for Abi this afternoon, and I got in my workout when we went climbing for date night. So that was good, we still fit it in. I was mentally better today, but I also knew today was a day in the car, which I was not looking forward to. The elementary kids were home because it was a teacher work day, after Parent Teacher Conferences yesterday. They helped watch Katharine while I picked up jr. high carpool. Right after I got home from that, I had to turn around and go back to Skyline to pick up Abi, who had a rehearsal up in Bountiful before her sonata competition next weekend. 40 min drive up there, 30 min rehearsal and 40 min drive back, and I couldn't leave K at home for that long, so we took her. And she did not like it. She cried and cried. 
I was glad Abi was back there to try and help her. It kinda stinks having to drag her and Peter along when they aren't in the mood. Peter is usually good, but I was glad I could leave him home today. It is helpful when the kids have a day off or are home sick, cause then I can usually sneak out for a bit if I need to. 
At Costco in Bountiful, I had alarms to remind me to use our rebate to pay, which was over $400, so I got lots of extra food storage stuff too to make sure I had enough to use all the rebate, cause I've had it for a while but keep forgetting to use it, and I didn't want to have to remember again. I wasn't as quick as I had planned, cause I couldn't find banker boxes. I got some plastic containers instead, which I don't love, but they'll do. I got a lot and a nice man and his daughter helped me load up at the checkout and the daughter caught up to me as I was leaving to help me push the flat and load the van. Very very kind of her. I felt like I should have thanked her more than just saying "Thanks" a few times like I did. Maybe next time I'll have some envelopes of cash to offer to people that help me, which happens often. Or I can just let them get their reward in heaven I guess, but I was grateful and thanked the Lord for their kindness. So I got enough plastic bins that I have one for each child, and those containers are going to help me as I attempt to go through all the kids papers and photos and stuff in the basement, which I plan to do sometime this upcoming spring. We do have faith that one day spring will return. It is fun how much snow we've gotten this winter, but I am ready for some warmth and sunshine. At the end of the street, the snow is piled up to the basketball hoops. Owen and Daniel and a friend playing outside with their Harry Potter wands...
As we came into the driveway after her rehearsal, Abi said "I want to go stand on that..." And then I dropped her off, took Owen and Daniel's friends home - I had arranged for a playdate before I knew that I'd be helping to take Abi, but their mom was ok with them still coming over even though I was gone. So took them home, got S and N, and P wanted to come this time, and we headed to violin group class. I left K home for that, and so I was able to play with the group! I want to practice more, but someday I'll be able to (I believe). Peter fell asleep near the end of the hour long class. 
He's pretty good at sleeping anywhere, as you can see. Back at home, I nursed K, who I hadn't been able to nurse in the run around of the day. Then Corey and I went to Zupas on 33rd for date night, and then to Momentum and it was pretty good. I tried to do my nemesis hot pink V1 but I didn't send it today, but that's ok. I did it once, and I'm still feeling proud from that. I had 4 other V2 and V3 attempts, and 12 sends. Climbing is fun. That made for a good end to a rough week, and I'm looking forward to having a positive outlook on life this next week. 

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