Saturday, March 4, 2023

XYZ Boxes

Katharine has been such a cute smarty pants lately. This morning, I just enjoyed time playing with her after she woke up. She found a stacking toy next to her and was just so interested in them. It's from an ABC stacking tower toy, and the XY are the 2nd to last smallest box, and the Z is the smallest box. And she would just play with them and put the Z in the XY box and shake it and they'd come apart and she'd put them back together. It was therapeutic to see her be curious and discovered a simple thing of the world. 

Two short videos of her - laying down playing with the boxes, then sitting up. I love it. 
Also playing with her ball toy, which I think is one of her favorites. 
Natalie got herself, Katharine, and Peter all in swimsuits tonight and they took a bath. 
She's so fun to watch. We love Katharine! 
Other things from today - I took Owen, Daniel and Peter with me to a trumpet recital. It was the recital for the son of Sophi and Natalie's violin teacher, so there was a connection there, and it was good for the boys. Amy's son takes from Owen's teacher, and Amy was the one who recommended her to us. 
The boys were excited about the refreshments after. Trumpet shaped sugar cookies. Fun. 

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