Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Ethan is 21!

Happy Birthday to Ethan!!! He's been on this earth for a happy 21 years.

After the little kids got home from school, we headed down to take him some cake and ice cream. (I think I'm going to become the new "birthday lady"!) I had NODP in the car with me, cause WALS all had their church youth activity tonight, but they wanted to come, but as I was on my way down the street, Daniel wouldn't put on his seatbelt and really wanted to go play with friends. No amount of bribing with cake and ice cream worked, so I said fine and he go out. Then Owen wanted out too. "You don't want to go to Ethan's birthday party?!?!" Nope. Ok, fine. So out he went too. So we didn't contribute as much as I would have liked to the fun, but we still made up more than half of the attendees. Here was the party:
I guess I figured more of his roommates would be there. I let E know what time we were coming, and we were a bit late, but still. He didn't mind too much, at least he said he didn't. "This is more of a party than I've had the past two years, so it's good." (His 19th bday and 20th bday were both as a missionary.) We were late cause we went by Costco so I could get a cake, and I wanted to wait until the Provo Costco so I could get ice cream and it wouldn't melt, but they didn't have any cakes! The Provo Costco bakery is under renovation, so they only had muffins and cookies, which they had delivered from the Spanish Fork Costco. So sad. So Katharine was sad in the car as she and Natalie waited for me. My phone turned off so they didn't have the happy baby video to watch, so K was sad. Natalie turned on the camera and they took some videos. I deleted all of them but two. I like her fake cries in this one.
I thought Katharine hitting herself in the head with the phone (at 1:43) in this one was funny. Then we went by Walmart to get a cake there. I took Katharine with me that time. Natalie needed to not be distracted so that she could finish reading a history book to earn her ticket to Busch Gardens. She's been reading "Rawhide Down" - pretty impressive! I think Walmart cakes prob aren't as yummy as Costco, but good news was we were able to get cookies and cream ice cream, which was Ethan's request. 
Joseph came too. We played party music (my Dance playlist).
More good news - Be Real went off during his party! Woo-hoo! Birthday BeReal!!!
BeReal - BeReal - everyone's BeReal.
Mel's - 

Joseph's - 

We ate cake, then we went to Mel's room for a bit. Natalie told riddles. 
Peter drew pictures.
Then they said they should get back to homework, so we kissed and said goodbye.

It was a good day. Earlier today I went by Beka's basement apartment for a little bit of coaching - we listened to Laura Dixon's live coaching call together. Katharine eating the crumbs of a crumbl cookie. 

I washed sheets today. Corey told me not to but the photo here, but Owen's bedsheet was shameful. My mother shame for letting it get that bad. It's on the top of the triple bunk, so I don't see it, but I knew it was bad. I washed it today, and I'll wash his sheets more, I promise. I did ok cleaning today - trying to create a space for my sister and her boyfriend before they arrive tonight. I did get the floor vacuumed and their mattresses ready, their plane comes in soon, scheduled to arrive at 10:30pm. Busy day tomorrow - we're going to play with Hibberts in the evening and need to get ready for our trip. We leave for Las Vegas on Friday and DC on Saturday morning.

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